[video output=day130 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Seamless Bilinear Tiling" vod_platform=youtube id=odlnqAsclFo annotator=Miblo annotator=ChronalDragon] [0:00:20][Recap] [0:01:48][Where we left off] [0:03:40][Isolating the bug] [0:07:00][Checking for chunk abutting] [0:09:10][Formalizing the texture boundaries] [0:10:25][Blackboard: Bilinear filtering for things in tiles] [0:17:32][Fixing the texture sample] [0:18:18][Blackboard: Thinking through the sample] [0:25:12][Biasing the sample location] [0:28:30][Checking the sample bias] [0:31:25][Ground chunk aprons] [0:33:19][Blackboard: confirming the apron math] [0:34:16][Accounting for the apron] [0:37:30][Work to do on the ground chunks] [0:40:02][Putting back the debug camera] [0:43:00][Filling ground chunks multithreaded] [0:43:02][Adding a low priority queue] [0:52:00][Problem: ground chunks need to be aligned] [0:54:05][Adding the ground chunk work to the queue] [0:56:45][Abort mission, not enough time] [0:57:24][Crash due to alignment problems] [1:00:00][Q&A][:speech] [1:00:50][@garlandobloom][Good stream today. Sometimes it goes really great] [1:01:21][@quikligames][The Ground Chunks render differently every time you go upstairs and come back down. Are you planning on fixing that before Z-sorting?] [1:02:08][@abnercoimbre][Can you address the recurring question: "This stream isn't about making games?" I'm tired of trying to explain what this stream is about] [1:05:25][@echoy0][How long have you worked on this project?] [1:06:01][@abar4x][How are you deciding what gets queued or not, and high vs low?] [1:06:20][@gasto5][How are you going to implement seamless tiles with what Yangtian Li creates?] [1:06:57][@betaparticlegaming][I don't see any object oriented patterns. Are you using object orientation?] [1:07:08][@krohnos][I assume the Yellow/Cyan/Magenta squares are for debugging. What do they represent?] [1:08:46][@dontrunaway2][You always say "we", who is "we"?] [1:09:23][@sssmcgrath][You say "3 work weeks" but do you feel like you could maintain this pace 8 hours a day?] [1:10:51][@ttbjm][It seems like the ground chunks are only getting generated when they would actually be visible, not before. When you get the ground chunk into the low priority queue, will empty ground be visible for 1 or 2 frames while they are being generated?] [1:11:37][@btngames][Do you think at the end / near end, someone like Jon Blow would be interested in making a game with the Handmade Hero engine in a similar format to see how the game design phase evolves the engine? I know at Pixar they get new and interesting results with unplanned collaboration between artist and engineer] [1:12:22][Wrap things up][:speech] [/video]