[video output=day131 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Asynchronous Ground Chunk Composition" vod_platform=youtube id=6blXhvPIz5g annotator=Miblo] [2:40][Run the game and identify our slight problem] [4:22][Why we couldn't generate the ground chunks on a separate thread] [6:47][handmade.h: Allow PushSize_ to take an Alignment] [8:15][Introduce AlignmentMask] [10:13][Blackboard: Turning a power of 2 into a mask] [13:03][Set the AlignmentOffset based on the AlignmentMask] [16:47][Go over PushSize_ one more time] [17:57][Debugger: Step through PushSize_] [18:48][handmade.h: Add ## __VA__ARGS to these Push* definitions] [20:58][handmade.cpp: Pass 16 to this PushSize call and run the game] [21:57][Consider queueing up all of FillGroundChunk] [23:16][Turn off TiledRenderGroupToOutput] [23:40][handmade_render_group.cpp: Switch to the player's camera and walk around] [24:12][On leaving part of what we're doing synchronous] [25:48][Provide a temporary storage area to enable the background task to work without the data getting overwritten] [27:11][handmade.h: Introduce GroundChunkArenas] [28:55][Introduce task_with_memory] [29:58][handmade.cpp: Create a bunch of Tasks which each create a SubArena] [31:47][Look at how FillGroundChunk works] [32:28][handmade.h: Make it implicit in task_with_memory that the memory is temporary] [33:08][handmade.cpp: Implement BeginTaskWithMemory and EndTaskWithMemory] [34:10][Do FillGroundChunk if BeginTaskWithMemory is true] [36:01][Write BeginTaskWithMemory] [38:48][Put TiledRenderGroupToOutput on the background threads] [40:13][handmade_render_group.cpp: Introduce RenderGroupToOutput as a non-tiled version] [42:21][handmade.cpp: Call RenderGroupToOutput] [44:27][handmade_intrinsics.h: #define CompletePreviousWritesBeforeFutureWrites] [45:20][handmade.cpp: Clean up] [45:51][Do AllocateRenderGroup from &Task->Arena] [46:55][Introduce fill_ground_chunk_work] [47:51][Put fill_ground_chunk_work into PLATFORM_WORK_QUEUE_CALLBACK] [48:30][Put fill_ground_chunk_work into FillGroundChunk and fill it out at the end] [49:14][Call PlatformAddEntry] [49:54][handmade.h: Implement GetArenaSizeRemaining] [51:38][Introduce GetAlignmentOffset] [52:57][Calculate that Result in GetArenaSizeRemaining and clean up] [54:25][handmade.cpp: Cast GetArenaSizeRemaining to uint32 in FillGroundChunk] [56:12][handmade.h: Implement SubArena] [58:41][Walk through our new functionality] [1:00:00][Debugger: Start stepping through the code] [1:04:52][Debugger: NextInHash is not valid] [1:05:52][handmade.h: Put the += Size in the correct spot in PushSize_] [1:06:26][Debugger: Identify that MaxPushBufferSize needs to take PushStruct into account] [1:06:47][handmade_render_group.cpp: Conditionally set MaxPushBufferSize in AllocateRenderGroup] [1:08:00][Debugger: Continue stepping through and note that the TempCount is 2] [1:08:38][handmade.cpp: Set Task->BeingUsed = true in BeginTaskWithMemory] [1:08:52][Run the game successfully] [1:09:32][handmade_render_group.cpp: Reenable the debug camera] [1:11:13][Q&A][:speech] [1:12:02][@nicstop][If one of the task_with_memory, which has several task_with_memory in front of it, calls EndTaskWithMemory first, will the stuff in front of it be screwed up? Or is this case not possible? Because I have a feeling that I don't understand something] [1:12:28][Blackboard: What goes in the arenas and how they work] [1:14:49][@poohshoes][We already had memory reserved for the GroundBuffers. Why couldn't we just use that memory for the threaded stuff?] [1:16:10][@connorgroove][What are the lines on the screen?] [1:16:58][win32_handmade.cpp: Set OffsetX and OffsetY to 0 in Win32DisplayBufferInWindow for now] [1:19:29][@noxy_key][So you've basically constructed a task pool for ground chunks to run on another thread. Can you use this mechanism for other types of tasks as well?] [1:19:49][@poohshoes][Why not put the stuff at the top of the transient arena (i.e. ground chunk bitmaps) into the permanent storage?] [1:20:09][@ankut][Why does it flash magenta once in a while? Is it because we're drawing without the work being finished?] [1:20:40][Wrap things up][:speech] [/video]