[video output=day137 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Matching Periodic Tags" vod_platform=youtube id=gVOuBzVC20g annotator=Miblo annotator=debiatan] [1:48][Demo a bug in the asset system] [3:05][Blackboard: Periodic Tag Matching] [7:21][Blackboard: "Neighbourhood operator"] [10:20][Blackboard: "Neighbourhood distance"] [13:30][Blackboard: Changing the sign of a point in the negative range in order to compute the distance of it from a point in the positive range] [15:23][Blackboard: Moving a positive number into the negative] [16:21][Blackboard: The whole equation for doing this neighbourhood calculation] [20:11][handmade_asset.h: Add HalfTagRange to game_assets] [21:08][handmade_asset.cpp: Set the HalfTagRange for each TagType] [22:11][Use the HalfTagRange in BestMatchAsset] [23:26][handmade_intrinsics.h: Write a real32 version of SignOf] [23:37][handmade_asset.cpp: Continue adding (Half)TagRange to BestMatchAsset] [25:22][Debugger: Step into BestMatchAsset] [26:11][Play the game and check out our new functionality] [26:43][We're kind of done] [28:00][handmade_asset.cpp: Add *FileName\[\] in order to loop over the bitmaps and set TopDownAlign] [30:19][Debugger: Look at the alignments] [32:50][handmade_asset.cpp: Bake that calculated alignment into the hero bitmaps] [33:34][Run the game and check out the correct alignments] [34:02][Start talking about the asset file format] [35:36][handmade.h: Add two items to the Asset streaming TODOs, and prioritise Audio] [37:11][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce LoadSound] [43:59][Introduce DEBUGLoadWAV] [44:57][Internet: Bring up the WAVE specifications] [45:43][Blackboard: "IFF" file format] [48:45][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce WAVE_header] [50:32][Introduce WAVE_fmt] [52:38][Introduce WAVE_chunk] [53:03][#define RIFF_CODE] [55:12][Parse the WAVE_header for its IDs] [56:34][Leave it there and glimpse into the future] [57:58][Q&A][:speech] [58:30][@cubercaleb][For getting the character sprite couldn't you just do the following? int sprite_to_load = (angle + (180 / sprites)) / (360 / sprites) % sprites] [59:59][@kelimion][ChronalDragon and I had a combined question about the audio asset struct. Will it need a SoundLoopable, or LoopStart / LoopEnd (with LoopEnd == -1 meaning a one-shot sound)] [1:00:40][@soysaucethekid][Plans for implementing other audio formats like MP3?] [1:03:05][@cubercaleb][Wait, how exactly is MP3 patented?] [1:04:48][@cubercaleb][Yeah, but why would people patent a file extension?] [1:05:32][@stelar7][FLAC is 50% the size of WAV, so it's useful for lossless compression] [1:08:36][@cubercaleb][So is that why RAD doesn't patent any of their stuff?] [1:08:56][Wind things down][:speech] [/video]