[video output=day138 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Loading WAV Files" vod_platform=youtube id=RSxUBaoomy0 annotator=Miblo annotator=debiatan] [1:06][Assets: handmade_hero_test_assets_003.zip is released] [2:57][handmade_asset.cpp: Correct a mistype in WAVE_fmt] [4:27][handmade.cpp: Do a DEBUGLoadWAV call in GameUpdateAndRender] [5:20][Debugger: Step in to DEBUGLoadWAV] [6:09][Fall foul of Microsoft Visual Studio][quote 120] [7:33][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce riff_iterator to use in DEBUGLoadWAV] [10:28][handmade_asset.cpp: Add WAVE_ChunkID_data to RIFF_CODE] [11:59][handmade_asset.cpp: Continue on writing the usage code for DEBUGLoadWAV] [13:07][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce ParseChunkAt] [13:54][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce NextChunk] [15:49][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce IsValid] [16:38][handmade_asset.cpp: Continue on writing DEBUGLoadWAV] [17:25][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce GetChunkData] [18:44][Debugger: Step in to DEBUGLoadWAV] [21:56][handmade_asset.cpp: Remove Chunk from riff_iterator and ParseChunkAt, and instead use it in NextChunk and GetType] [22:41][Debugger: Continue on stepping through DEBUGLoadWAV] [23:28][Internet: Try and determine whether the RIFF file should end in zeros] [26:50][handmade_asset.cpp: Pad the Chunk->Size if it is odd] [27:45][handmade_asset.cpp: Subtract 4 from the Header->Size] [28:41][Debugger: Step through DEBUGLoadWAV and find that we're correctly iterating over the chunks] [29:09][handmade_asset.cpp: Assert certain data to be valid] [30:08][Internet: Find out what nBlockAlign means] [31:17][handmade_asset.cpp: Assert nBlockAlign to be 2 * nChannels] [31:48][handmade_asset.cpp: Set the ChannelCount and SampleData] [32:49][handmade_asset.cpp: Assert ChannelCount and SampleData to be valid] [33:41][handmade_asset.h: Add ChannelCount to loaded_sound] [34:27][Internet: Try to establish how to determine the sample count minus any rounding] [34:59][handmade_asset.cpp: Compute that SampleCount] [35:45][handmade_asset.cpp: Introduce GetChunkDataSize] [36:32][handmade_asset.cpp: Create arrays for our SampleData] [37:57][Blackboard: Deinterleaving audio channels in place] [44:15][handmade_asset.cpp: Write out the swizzling algorithm for the left channel] [46:39][handmade_asset.cpp: Spam in some test data] [49:01][Debugger: Check out the values in the right channel] [50:47][handmade.cpp and handmade.h: Reenable tSine] [52:08][handmade.h: Introduce loaded_sound TestSound] [53:11][handmade.cpp: Comment out GameOutputSound and use TestSound] [55:22][Run the game and hear that it doesn't sound very good] [56:02][Debugger: Step through the SampleIndex loop] [56:48][handmade.cpp: Make the Sample data be int16] [57:27][Run the game and still hear the clicking] [57:50][Listen to the sound] [58:41][handmade.cpp: Read through the SampleIndex loop] [59:37][Debugger: Step in and inspect the SampleData] [1:01:04][Internet: Take a look at PCM Data] [1:01:58][handmade_asset.cpp: Remove the test code] [1:02:29][Run the game and hear it more correctly] [1:02:42][build.bat: Switch to -O2] [1:03:09][win32_handmade.cpp: Set GameUpdateHz to MonitorRefreshHz / 2.0f] [1:03:21][Run the game and hear it all playing correctly] [1:03:59][handmade.cpp: Play music_test.wav] [1:04:16][Q&A][:speech] [1:04:45][@robotchocolatedino][You could try uninterleaving the channels in place like this: http://imgur.com/ZcDu4Tb] [1:05:50][@pseudonym73][Probably the second-easiest way to deinterleave is multi-pass. Swap R0/L1, R2/L3, L4/L5 etc. Then do the same with two-sample blocks, four-sample blocks, etc. Easiest way is to deinterleave directly into mix/output buffer.] [1:06:18][@desuused][Why do you need to un-interleave sound? When you play it, you still have to read both left and right values] [1:06:39][@abnercoimbre][People are asking about the benefits of extern C? What issues does it address?] [1:08:43][@constantinopol][Casey, can you please explain: (Chunk->Size + 1) & -1 ?] [1:14:14][@popcorn0x90][Why are the samples interleaved and not flat?] [1:15:18][@marumoto][If you think of your interleaved data as an Nx2 matrix, then transposition can be viewed as interleaving. Here is an in-place way to do it: https://goo.gl/fgPmrg] [1:16:08][@rpg_ignis][Thank you] [1:18:05][@pragmascrypt][Why do you want to change the PCM data in place instead of compacting it to just the information you need and allocating extra space?] [1:19:09][Wrap it up][:speech] [/video]