[video output=day139 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Introduction to Sound Mixing" vod_platform=youtube id=8KvWx4hzdUs annotator=Miblo annotator=debiatan] [0:19][Deciding to do an audio mixer] [4:18][Blackboard: Sound and Music] [5:00]["The world is filled with molecules"][quote 121] [9:09][Blackboard: How we hear] [10:53][Blackboard: Frequency] [18:59][Blackboard: Amplitude] [27:32][Blackboard: Doing this process from the software side] [30:34][Blackboard: Mixing sounds by adding them together] [37:03][Blackboard: Optionally increasing the complexity] [38:09][Blackboard: Clipping] [43:42][Blackboard: Modulation and Interpolation] [50:14][Blackboard: Pitch] [56:17][Blackboard: Set the stage for tomorrow] [57:58][Q&A][:speech] [58:22][@insofaras][You said panning is just a function of volume, but could it also mix a portion of one source channel into the other output channel (for stereo)?] [1:03:08][@cubercaleb][Earlier in the stream you were describing audio in relation to light and you mentioned how sound is volumetric. But isn't light also volumetric?] [1:12:08][@SoysauceTheKid][No special sound effects such as reverb?] [1:12:42][@ingenero][Are you going to do any work with sound analysis or visualization using FFTs? Do have any experience with that kind of stuff?] [1:13:24][@cubercaleb][Is their any need for an equalizer for the game's engine? I assume it would be trivial to implement.] [1:14:54][@Miblo][Won't we also want at least a low-pass filter for audio coming from, for example, the other side of a wall?] [1:15:50][@ttbjm][Some older sound cards could do cross-talk cancellation to try to do 3d sound with 2 or 4 speakers instead of with headphones, do you have any experience with this?] [1:16:07][@hyco24][What is a good way to get sound to bounce off objects more realistically? (i.e., walls, cars, etc.)] [1:17:22][Call it a day][:speech] [/video]