[video output=day181 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Log-based Performance Counters" vod_platform=youtube id=s_qSvBp6nFw annotator=Miblo annotator=debiatan] [00:11][Recap and plan for today] [02:10][Our performance counters are inexpensive, convenient and thread-safe] [03:39][They report the amount of time an operation takes, but not _when_ it happens] [04:18][In order to improve our profile view, we need to collect more data] [06:02][The action of collecting the data should be cheap. Any real work should be deferred till the end of the frame] [07:36][A log-based system could fit our requirements] [08:18][Is the amount of logged events going to be too large?] [10:27][Let's give the log-based approach a try] [10:55][Can we call rdtscp?] [12:15][We seem to be in luck][quote 218] [13:50][rdtsc tells us about elapsed processor time] [14:51][rdtscp should also report which processor/core is running our code] [19:00][Trying to see if rdtscp returns the core identity] [20:20][We don't have a way of disambiguating threads at the moment] [20:58]["It's kinda nice to get stuff for free"][quote 220] [21:13][We'll use a lighter version of debug_record to record debug entries] [23:22][Disambiguating threads, cores, debug_records and debug_record_arrays inside debug_event] [24:19][We only need a single big DebugEventArray] [25:26][Keeping track of the position inside the debug event array] [25:55][Double-buffering the debug event arrays] [27:12][Filling in the debug event records] [28:22][The array index will be determined by a preprocessor symbol defined inside build.bat] [29:49][Defining AtomicAddU32] [32:34][Telling apart the beginning and end of a timed block using entry types] [33:46][Pulling together duplicated event recording code into the RecordDebugEvent macro] [37:30][What is the 32-bit interlocked add-exchange instruction? It's _InterlockedExchangeAdd] [40:38][We can't do a synchronous exchange of pointers and clear the event index at the same time...] [42:08][... unless we pack the position and the event index together into a single 64-bit variable] [45:41][Exchanging debug event arrays at the end of the frame] [46:30][Transforming the macros into inline functions temporarily for easy stepping] [47:40][Our debug array is not large enough for the amount of entries we're recording] [49:04][Bump that number temporarily just to see if that really is happening for reals][quote 221] [49:30][The information we log will allow more in-depth profiling operations] [50:05][Recap on the bundling together of array and event indices] [50:49][Switching event array indices correctly] [53:29][CollateRecords() can reproduce the behavior of our old non-log-based event system] [57:12][We have two event arrays (one for each compilation unit) and that makes the code uglier than it would be if we had better tools] [58:25][Linearizing the access to the debug_record arrays] [1:02:21][Fixing compilation errors] [1:03:59][Accessing the filenames, function names and line numbers of debug_records] [1:06:50][The log-based system seems to be working] [1:07:37][Q&A][:speech] [1:08:04][@elxenoaizd][You mentioned that you use a known base address for your memory management. Could you talk a bit more about that? Does that mean I can now find things by just offsetting from that address, and does it mean that if I fwrite this whole block I'll essentially be fwriting the whole game?] [1:09:02][@butwhynot1][You can specify which functions to optimize by enabling optimization on the command line and surrounding code you don't want optimized with #pragma optimize("", off) ..... #pragma optimize("", on)] [1:09:51][@elxenoaizd][Do you ever find use size_t or do you just use u32, u64, etc?] [1:10:20][@elxenoaizd][Do you keep track of struct padding when you add / remove fields, or is it something you don't think about too much, so order of fields doesn't matter much?] [1:10:56][@butwhynot1][Also, what's the point of the core number in the debug info? It seems the thread ID is the important part] [1:11:54][Look forward to tomorrow] [1:12:35][@JamesWidman][How will we avoid collecting or displaying stats on debug-rendering code?] [1:12:53][@plain_flavored][Are profilers as bad as debuggers?] [1:12:58][@inliferty][What do you think about checked exceptions?] [1:13:29][Thanks and a few words on preordering the source and using the GitHub repositories][:speech] [/video]