[video output=day208 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Adding Data Blocks to the Debug Log" vod_platform=youtube id=SWXxlrjDKW0 annotator=Miblo] [1:37][Run the game and recap our situation] [2:05][handmade_debug.cpp: Get rid of the TestEntity stuff] [2:55][handmade.cpp: Consider how we'd like to leverage metaprogramming] [11:06][handmade_platform.h: Give DebugEvent the ability to output values] [16:14][Run the game and see that the debug system does still work] [16:34][handmade_platform.h: Compress the data] [17:04][handmade_sim_region.h: Consider manually defining the DEBUG_VALUEs to write to the debug stream] [19:36][handmade_platform.h: Conditionally #define the DEBUG macros differently] [24:04][handmade_platform.h: Introduce variations of DEBUGValueSetEventData] [25:06]["Not every infinity has to be huge"][quote 278] [29:25][handmade_math.h: Move in the DEBUGValueSetEventData functions] [29:51][handmade_meta.h: Fix the definitions] [31:47][Debugger: Find that we are recording these debug values] [32:24][handmade_debug.cpp: Reassemble the debug variables back into a structured piece of data] [38:27][handmade_debug.cpp: Introduce DebugEvent_OpenDataBlock and DebugEvent_CloseDataBlock] [41:32][handmade_debug.h: Add them to debug_thread] [43:22][handmade_platform.h: Add them to debug_event_type] [44:26][handmade_platform.h: #define DEBUG_BEGIN_DATA_BLOCK] [47:16][handmade.cpp: Use StorageIndex for DEBUG_BEGIN_DATA_BLOCK] [51:14][handmade_platform.h: Add VecPtr to debug_event] [52:29][handmade_debug.cpp: Introduce AllocateOpenDebugBlock] [54:50][handmade_debug.cpp: Introduce DeallocateOpenDebugBlock] [56:00][Run the game and see that there's no change] [56:20][Q&A][:speech] [56:58][@ThisisAtticus][Great stream today! Could you explain how this code works?[ref site="Wikipedia" page="Fast inverse square root" url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root#Overview_of_the_code"] It's fast inverse square root, but I still have no clue how it works[ref author="Forman S. Acton" title="Real Computing Made Real" isbn=9780691036632][ref author="Forman S. Acton" title="Numerical Methods that Work" isbn=9780883854501]] [1:07:47][@Connor_Rentz][What would be a good project for a beginner game programmer?] [1:08:43][@blah238][I just read that Natural Selection 2 (for which Unknown Worlds made their own game engine) say they no longer support Windows XP. Does Handmade Hero run on XP, and why wouldn't it?[ref site="Handmade Hero Episode Guide" page="Handmade Hero Day 016: VisualStudio Compiler Switches" url="https://hero.handmadedev.org/jace/videos/win32-platform/day016.html"]] [1:12:25][@wrhansen][Have you used the Steam Controller? What do you think about it?] [1:14:04][@blah238][Thanks, here was the blurb out NS2[ref site="Unknown Worlds Entertainment" page="Natural Selection 2 & Windows XP" url="http://unknownworlds.com/ns2/natural-selection-2-windows-xp/"]. Looks like a Visual Studio issue. (What else is new?)] [1:14:45][@SoysauceTheKid][Numerical Methods that Work: this is the book you're recommending right?] [1:15:52][@Pseudonym73][Q: Everything that runs on Windows P runs on Windows NP] [1:16:27][@elxenoaizd][Any tips on reading books? I find it really hard to read them. I do enjoy their table of contents, gets me excited, but when I read on it gets quite boring] [1:20:16][@sssmcgrath][Have you read "Linear Algebra Done Right?" by Sheldon Axler? I always recommend it to people who ask me about linear algebra] [1:22:03][@ThisisAtticus][On that note, how do you deal with some of the generally poor social skills in programming / math fields? Noticing this more and more lately, unfortunately] [1:25:18][Safely call it a day][:speech] [1:26:35][Announcement: F2P discussion between Casey and Shawn McGrath on Thursday][:speech] [1:27:23][Announcement: The speaker list for HandmadeCon 2015 will be announced next Monday[ref site="Twitter" page="@cmuratori" url="https://twitter.com/cmuratori"]][:speech] [/video]