[video output=day278 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Moving Entity Storage into World Chunks" vod_platform=youtube id=JqflfK5i8qk annotator=Miblo] [1:29][Recap and set the stage for the day] [5:14][Blackboard: How the simulation region streams in entities as you traverse the world] [9:32][Blackboard: Entities referencing each other] [12:29][handmade_world.h: Add a read / writeable EntityData and EntityDataSize to world_entity_block] [14:52][Debugger: Compile and run and hit an assertion in PushSize_] [16:51][handmade_world.h: Change ChunkHash in world to be a pointer and add the Chunks as a singly-linked list] [22:06][handmade_world.cpp: Introduce ClearWorldEntityBlock] [24:05][handmade_world.cpp: Clean up CreateWorld] [24:35][Run the game and see what happens] [24:49][handmade_sim_region.cpp and handmade_world_mode.cpp: Excise the sword] [26:26][Run the game and find that we're still running okay] [26:35][handmade_world_mode.h: Remove the LowEntities from game_world_mode] [29:05][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Rewrite LoadEntityReference so that an entity can only been accessed if it is within your simulation region] [30:46][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Make BeginSim store the actual entities instead of indices] [35:54][handmade_sim_region.cpp: Disable some of EndSim for now just to see what breaks] [37:06][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Introduce BeginLowEntity and EndLowEntity and split AddLowEntity out into these functions in order to create a low entity and then pack it into its actual position location] [47:43][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Introduce PackEntityIntoChunk to be called in EndLowEntity] [49:17][handmade_sim_region.cpp and handmade_world_mode.cpp: Work through a plethora of compile errors to use entity_id] [1:04:49][Q&A][:speech] [1:05:49][@wrenga][This is more of a meta-question but I found myself placing TODOs in my code at places that I don't want to deal with while I work on something else. However, as we all procrastinate, how come back to the TODOs?] [1:06:53][@rbdjellyfish][What's the highest number of errors you've ever had after compiling?] [1:07:09][@Miblo][I arrived too late to the prestream to let you know that yesterday's episode hasn't yet made its way to YouTube] [1:07:30][Wrap it up][:speech] [/video]