[video output=day294 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Adding the Glove" vod_platform=youtube id=kOHHWPmo1D0 annotator=Miblo] [0:48][Prepare for combat] [7:41][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make AddPlayer initialise a Glove and call AddPiece for it] [10:33][handmade_brain.h: Add Glove to brain_hero] [11:00][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make PlayWorld set the Glove to not collide] [13:19][handmade_brain.cpp: Make ExecuteBrain position the glove next to the hero's body] [17:10][handmade_brain.cpp: Make ExecuteBrain offset the Glove according to the hero's FacingDirection] [18:49][Blackboard: Calculating the angle relative to the FacingDirection] [20:37][Run the game and see the "glove"] [22:43][handmade_brain.h: Add MovementMode_AttackSwipe to entity_movement_mode] [24:33][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Implement the AttackSwipe in UpdateAndRenderWorld] [26:24][Blackboard: Parameterising the arc of the swipe] [28:30][handmade_entity.h: Add SwipeAngleStart and SwipeAngleTarget to entity] [30:36][handmade_entity.h: Add MovementMode_AngleOffset and MovementMode_AngleAttackSwipe to entity_movement_mode] [41:43][handmade_brain.cpp: Provide the ability in ExecuteBrain to initiate an attack] [45:49][Run the game and try out the swipe] [48:15][handmade_entity.h: Add AngleCurrentDistance, AngleBaseDistance and AngleSwipeDistance to entity] [48:51][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderWorld parameterise the swipe's arc] [50:46][handmade_math.h: Introduce Sin01] [51:39][Blackboard: Cosine arc] [55:33][Run the game and try out the swipe] [59:22][handmade_math.h: Introduce Triangle01] [1:00:26][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderWorld call Triangle01 and then run the game to try it out] [1:01:04][Q&A][:speech] [1:01:47][@popcorn][Will it support Nintendo's power gloves?] [1:02:17][@soysaucethekid][Are chain attacks going to be in by any chance (i.e. slash slash thrust)?] [1:03:16][@novynn][What are your thoughts on switching to simulating adjacent rooms rather than using the simulation apron?] [1:05:19][@shinny_magikarp][How is the familiar intended to attack? Some kind of projectile or doing some kind of glide move and physically hitting a foe?] [1:06:41][@billdstrong][Will there be a boot to match the glove?] [1:06:47][@erdomina][For the particle effects for the glove, are we going to be doing something similar to what we did earlier using head assets?] [1:07:48][@Miblo][I'm wondering if it could be a cool mechanic if you could swipe and change your facing direction while you swipe, thus prolonging the swipe into a potentially never ending spinning punch...] [1:08:42][@sssmcgrath][Have you played Planescape: Torment? Handmade Hero totally needs a Morte-style familiar] [1:09:24][@wellingguzman][Will attacking be interrupt? Such as attacking unanimated entity, or someone attacked the player from behind and it jump opposite to the attack (e.g. old Zelda)?] [1:10:45][@duroate][Why not leave the glove swipe to the artist / animator of the game?] [1:12:28][Wind down, with a glimpse into the future and some thoughts on how alive the world is starting to feel][:speech] [/video]