[video output=day303 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Trying Separate Y and Z Sorts" vod_platform=youtube id=93NKevv-n6k annotator=Miblo] [0:50][Be our own code fairy][quote 496] [1:16][Recap and set the stage for the day] [1:57][Z-buffering is not a good idea for 2D stuff] [4:08][quartertron's sorting suggestion, or potentially using an insertion sort to make a poor man's binary space partition[ref site="Twitter" page="@cmuratori I'm probably missing cases but this makes sense to me and gives good results in current game" url="https://twitter.com/quartersdg/status/744583290766581761"]] [7:04][Blackboard: Separately sorting Z-sprites and Y-sprites, then merge sorting those sorted sprites] [14:23][handmade_sort.cpp: Introduce versions of MergeSort() for MergeSortY() and MergeSortZ()] [19:29][handmade_sort.cpp: Introduce versions of IsInFrontOf() for IsInFrontOfY() and IsInFrontOfZ()] [20:51][Consider how to separate the Y- and Z-sprites] [23:26][handmade_sort.cpp: Make MergeSort() separate the Y- and Z-sprites] [24:12][Blackboard: Separating and compacting an array] [25:14][handmade_sort.cpp: Continue making MergeSort() separate out those sprites] [27:55][Blackboard: The sizes of the two arrays] [29:08][handmade_sort.cpp: Make MergeSort() call MergeSortY() and MergeSortZ()] [31:01][Blackboard: Copies of the sorted stuff] [31:57][handmade_sort.cpp: Consider making MergeSortZ() copy to the Temp buffer] [33:24][handmade_sort.cpp: Make MergeSort() copy to the Temp buffer if there are 1 or 2 Z-sprites to be sorted] [39:16]["It's no skin off our back"][quote 494] [39:18][handmade_sort.cpp: Clean up compile errors] [41:21]["We probably need to go through this code more carefully"][quote 495] [42:14][Run the game and see that we are sort of anywhere close] [42:51][Run the game and hit the assertion in SortEntries()] [43:41][Debugger: Break into MergeSort() and inspect the YCount and ZCount] [45:02][handmade_sort.cpp: Give MergeSort() some verification tests] [45:31][handmade_sort.cpp: Introduce IsZSprite()] [46:27][handmade_sort.cpp: Continue giving MergeSort() these tests] [47:05][Debugger: Break into MergeSort() and find that it passed the tests] [47:19][handmade_sort.cpp: Introduce VerifyBuffer() to verify the type of sprites in that buffer, and make MergeSort() call it] [49:23][Debugger: Break into MergeSort() again and find that everything is in the right place] [49:58][Consider making a better merge] [51:38][Blackboard: What the sort is doing] [53:10][handmade_sort.cpp: Look at what IsInFrontOf() is doing] [55:28][handmade_sort.cpp: Make VerifyBuffer() verify that the sprites are correctly sorted] [56:26][Debugger: Run the game and hit the assertion in VerifyBuffer()] [56:53][A few words on "test driven development"] [58:02][Debugger: Break into VerifyBuffer() and inspect the positions of the sprites upon failing] [59:38][handmade_sort.cpp: Turn MergeSortY() into MergeSort() in order to do IsInFrontOf() in both cases] [1:00:37][handmade_sort.cpp: Rename MergeSort() to SeparatedSort(), and remove MergeSortZ() entirely] [1:01:17][Debugger: Run the game and catch some sprites that our test thinks are incorrectly sorted] [1:02:39][handmade_sort.cpp: Temporarily toggle SortEntries() to do only the partial ordering check] [1:02:54][Run the game and see the visual results] [1:03:12][Q&A][:speech] [1:05:37][@roam00010011][I'm trying to take a different approach, using the projected sprites on the screen to sort, and using the min / max y values (up) as a depth sorting key] [1:06:19][@roam00010011][Working on it] [1:07:24][@staythirsty90][What is a full stack developer?] [1:10:08][@poohshoes][Won't sorting fail because a lower Z sometimes needs to be drawn on top of a higher Z if a Y-sprite overlaps them?] [1:11:05][Blackboard: PoohShoes's diagram] [1:12:52][@Miblo][At the start you mentioned "insertion sort" and potentially automatically getting a binary tree representation of the sprites. What happened to that idea, assuming I roughly understand correctly what you've done?] [1:13:11][Blackboard: Graph sort] [1:14:49][@roam00010011][How do you transform the sprites from world to screen coordinates?] [1:15:11][That's it for today][:speech] [/video]