[video output=day329 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Printing Out Floats Poorly" vod_platform=youtube id=Qqp-O4cujVM annotator=Miblo] [0:28][Recap and set the stage for the day] [2:29][Run the game and refamiliarise ourselves with the code] [3:51][handmade_shared.h: Fix an ArrayCount() call in FormatStringList()] [5:37][handmade_shared.h: Introduce F64ToASCII() and consider precision] [8:47]["I am not a floating point guru"][quote 524] [9:06][Blackboard: Float Printing] [11:37][Blackboard: The problematic concept of the decimal point] [14:28][Blackboard: Breaking this fractional problem down] [15:25][Internet: modf[ref site="C++ Reference" page="modf" url="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cmath/modf/"]] [17:21][Blackboard: Summing the fractional parts together] [21:00][handmade_shared.h: Implement F64ToASCII()] [28:36][Compile and run, see that our precision looks messed up and investigate why] [29:45][handmade_shared.h: Make FormatStringList() set Precision if not set, and bake the string reversal code in to U64ToASCII()] [37:03][Debugger: Step in to U64ToASCII() to take a look at what that does] [41:03][handmade_shared.h: Endeavour to handle precision correctly] [42:31][Internet: Consult the printf spec[ref site="C++ Reference" page="printf" url="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/printf/"]] [42:51]["Chrome? Chrooooooome?"][quote 525] [46:05][handmade_shared.h: Make FormatStringList() handle the Width in accordance with the printf spec] [47:18][Run the game and see that the printouts are untouched] [47:37][handmade_shared.h: Make FormatStringList() correctly compute the Precision] [49:23][Run the game, see the floating point values looking better and consider what the Width specifier actually means] [55:00][Q&A][:speech] [56:26][@zamar037][Does the float printout account for left or right alignment?] [58:17][@sharlock93][Are we stuck on what something %3d means? I was away] [59:17][@culver_fly][Sorry if it sounds rude, but why do you even care about the specs? Why don't you just print whatever you want it to be? I mean, it's your code?] [59:48][handmade_shared.h: Deduplicate the float cases] [1:01:01][@sharlock93][As far as I know %3.3f means 3 numbers before the decimal and precise to three decimal numbers] [1:01:35][@mmozeiko][Use the http://cppreference.com it has better docs than cplusplus.com, and cppreference states it's a minimum width] [1:02:21][@sharlock93][Guess I have been wrong all this time] [1:02:42][@insofaras][Can you say something quotable for test purposes?] [1:02:51]["I feel like it's hard to say something quotable on demand"][quote 526] [1:03:12][@3ygun][Minimum width would make it more consistent across all types of printf] [1:03:24][@programgamer][So wait, is it a behavior problem or a bad spec problem?] [1:04:04][@elxenoanizd][Do you think it's worth implementing a custom string class that uses a custom heap for allocation and disposition of memory instead of dealing directly with null-terminated C-strings (talking mostly for tools programming)?] [1:04:39][@sharlock93][Thanks for the stream, have a good evening, going to work, are you gonna stream at this time from now on?] [1:05:24][@macielda][Is text printing speed interfering with your profiling accuracy in a significant way?] [1:05:56][@torgdor][What advantages does this version of printf have over the standard library printf?] [1:08:12][@longboolean][Right now you are padding with zeros, "the spec", at least in one example, looks like it pads with spaces] [1:08:33][@elxenoanizd][When is the next Handmade Con?[ref site="Molly Rocket" page="HandmadeCon 2016 is GO!" url="https://mollyrocket.com/news_0033.html"]] [1:10:08][@music_guru][What else is left other than printf that would need to be removed?] [1:13:32][@longboolean][Could you explain briefly why this simple approach of printing floats can lead to precision errors?] [1:14:53][@zeanith64][Will everything be recorded at HandmadeCon? Considering what nearly happened last year, I'm a little worried] [1:16:28][Wrap it up][:speech] [/video]