[video output=day364 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Enabling the OpenGL Depth Buffer" vod_platform=youtube id=m8trVjY2WgI annotator=Miblo] [1:32][Run the game, recap and set the stage for the day] [4:55][Blackboard: Using the Z-buffer to sort ground tiles] [6:35][Blackboard: Slanting the upright sprites to make them occlude each other properly] [13:55][Run the game and illustrate why this scheme will be important for debugging purposes] [14:08]["We're going to write some code and hope that it's right"][quote 550] [14:56][Determine to turn on the Z-buffer[ref site="Handmade Hero" page="Day 358 - Introduction to Depth Buffers" url="https://hero.handmade.network/episode/code/day358"]] [15:36][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make OpenGLRenderCommands() enable GL_DEPTH_TEST and call glDepthMask()[ref site="docs.GL" page="glDepthMask" url="http://docs.gl/gl2/glDepthMask"] and glColorMask()] [21:40][win32_handmade.cpp: Make Win32SetPixelFormat() set cDepthBits[ref site="MSDN" page="PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure" url="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd368826"]] [25:00][win32_handmade.cpp: Make Win32SetPixelFormat() specify the colour bits[ref site="Khronos" page="WGL_ARB_pixel_format" url="http://developer.download.nvidia.com/opengl/specs/WGL_ARB_pixel_format.txt"]] [28:39][Run the game, see nothing on the screen and investigate why] [29:24][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make OpenGLRenderCommands() pass GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT to glClear()] [31:56][Run the game to see that we're getting Z-tested drawing] [32:42][Blackboard: Preventing fully transparent pixels from entering the Z-buffer] [36:25][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make OpenGLRenderCommands() enable and call glAlphaFunc()[ref site="docs.GL" page="glAlphaFunc" url="http://docs.gl/gl2/glAlphaFunc"]] [38:24][handmade_opengl.cpp: Temporarily make glAlphaFunc() operate for alpha values greater than 0] [39:04][Blackboard: No blending if sprites happen to be drawn in the wrong order] [42:06][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make OpenGLRenderCommands() call glDepthFunc()[ref site="docs.GL" page="glDepthFunc" url="http://docs.gl/gl2/glDepthFunc"] ] [43:19][Run the game to see that the drawing order is being respected, but that the sort is unstable] [46:05][Determine to process the Z-values[ref site="Unspecified Behaviour" page="Calculating the gluPerspective matrix and other OpenGL matrix maths" url="https://unspecified.wordpress.com/2012/06/21/calculating-the-gluperspective-matrix-and-other-opengl-matrix-maths/"]] [50:46][Blackboard: Near and Far Clip (Planes)] [53:50][Blackboard: Mapping the Z-values in the correct direction to the -1 to 1 range] [56:27][Blackboard: Determining the structure of the mapping function] [59:08][Blackboard: Solve these equations for a and b] [1:02:11][Blackboard: Verify these equations] [1:08:49][Blackboard: Solve the equations again, passing in the correct values] [1:17:44][handmade_math.h: Make PerspectiveProjection() compute d and e to pass to the matrix] [1:19:02][Run the game to see the finer grained Z-fighting] [1:20:03][handmade_render_group.cpp: Enable PushBitmap() to increase the sprites' height relative to their Z] [1:22:52][Run the game to see the slanted sprites, and consider why we must take the camera into account for shearing] [1:25:03][handmade_render_group.cpp: Make PushBitmap() also modify the sprites' Y and X values] [1:27:21][Consider using the camera's relative position to compute these modifications] [1:28:48][Q&A][:speech] [1:29:20][@ratchetfreak][When adjusting the sprite like that, don't you need to interpolate the texture coordinates in screenspace instead of clipspace (the default)?] [1:30:29][@macielda][What is Alpha to Coverage? Any good references on that?] [1:31:48][@k1ng_k3v1n][Would an orthogonal projection matrix be applicable for your game?] [1:32:19][@sharlock93][Is the -n and -f because OpenGL has the camera on the negative -z?] [1:33:06][@magik603][Why are you using legacy OpenGL?] [1:34:49][@cvaucher][Do you typically use an infinite far plane for increased precision? Shawn McGrath mentioned it in his stream awhile back] [1:36:20][@macielda][Would it be simpler to use Orthographic transforms for upright objects? Are you not simply undoing the Perspective Projection there?] [1:37:28][@pepevel][Would it be possible to use a shader to do the Z-buffer rendering?] [1:40:17][@sharlock93][So the near and far plane are linearly mapped. I have read somewhere where the mapping is not linear, in which case do we not make them linear?] [1:43:13][Blackboard: Accounting for the -z in our coefficients] [1:48:15][Consult the OpenGL spec[ref site="OpenGL" page="The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification (v2.0)" url="https://hippo.nipax.cz/docs/glspec20.pdf"]] [1:52:24][@sharlock93][Oh yeah, sorry, I mixed two things up] [1:52:34][Blackboard: Computing a and b, accounting for the -z] [2:02:30][handmade_math.h: Try to make PerspectiveProjection() compute the non-perspective corrected terms for orthographic] [2:05:23][End it there][:speech] [/video]