[video output=day406 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Getting a Graphics Debugger Working" vod_platform=youtube id=ozEdHE2ie8o annotator=Miblo] [0:02][Welcome to the new setup] [3:08][Open up and begin to reacquaint ourselves with the code] [4:18][Run the game to see that it is running correctly, but with weird artifacts] [5:40][handmade_render_group.cpp: Continue to reacquaint ourselves with the lighting code] [18:19][handmade_platform.h: Describe the lighting_textures struct, from where we left off] [22:08][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Check our hotkeys] [23:14][Run the game and toggle on the lighting solution] [24:27][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make CompileZBiasProgram() set UseLightC to 1, 0, 0] [26:08][Run the game to see red] [26:58][Graphics debuggers] [29:47][Run our game in RenderDoc] [35:39][Install Nsight and update the graphics driver[ref site="NVIDIA" page="Nsight" url="https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-nsight-visual-studio-edition"]] [48:21][Run our game with the Nsight HUD enabled, try to capture a frame but remain stuck in the HUD] [53:56][Inspect our captured rendering data] [57:07][Try to capture a frame with the game window not fullscreen] [59:58][Inspect our shader data] [1:03:08][handmade_opengl.cpp: VoxMinCorner and VoxInvCelDim] [1:04:05][Run the game, toggle on the lighting, try to Alt-Tab to Visual Studio and crash in Win32ProcessPendingMessages()] [1:06:29][build.bat: Remove the HANDMADE_STREAMING workaround] [1:09:13][Run the game, crash in the same manner in Win32ProcessPendingMessages() and investigate why] [1:19:42][Read the disassembly in the TIMED_BLOCK PeekMessage, and guess that our debug events are piling up and overflowing] [1:23:31][build.bat: Toggle off HANDMADE_INTERNAL and run the game without problem] [1:26:30][Investigate our debug events overflow] [1:29:29][win32_handmade.cpp: Count our loops through TIMED_BLOCK("PeekMesssage") in Win32ProcessPendingMessages()] [1:32:12][Find a massive number of messages] [1:34:16][win32_handmade.cpp: Buffer up our messages] [1:35:20][Find that all those messages are 0x738, and try to identify that message] [1:39:25][Describe WM_USER] [1:41:02][Launch Spy++] [1:45:26][Use Spy++ to try and determine who is issuing the 0x738 messages] [1:52:37][Reflect on the situation] [1:58:50][win32_handmade.cpp: Temporarily prevent Win32ProcessPendingMessages() from calling TIMED_BLOCK("PeekMessage")] [1:59:34][Run the game to find that we avoid the crash] [2:01:01][Q&A][:speech] [2:01:46][@bestalloys][Regarding message 0x738[ref site="Fleex's Lab" page="Windows 10 1703 sometimes sends messages in response to PeekMessage" url="https://fleexlab.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/windows-10-1703-sometimes-sends.html"]] [2:05:34][win32_handmade.cpp: Make Win32ProcessPendingMessages() skip the 0x738 message] [2:09:00][Run the game without crashing] [2:11:35][Consult our rendering data] [2:13:28][@abarishu][What do you mean by "generated" message?] [2:15:36][@uplinkcoder][This seems to be a known big since Windows 10 build 1703] [2:16:23][@resantic][How is the performance of the from-scratch-written renderer compared to OpenGL?] [2:16:37][@vaualbus][How in 4coder you make it possible to have typedef highlight?] [2:17:25][@khrob][If this has been answered many times, I’ll dig back through YouTube, but when and why did Handmade Hero move from being a fully software rendered project to using graphics APIs?] [2:18:33][@sahfortv][Any chance to run the game with the lighting actually on, just for old time's sake?] [2:18:39][@dautor][How would you cast a pointer and call it directly without an extra typedef?] [2:20:19][@resantic][How about 2D? How is the performance there?] [2:20:36][@dautor][Function pointer, yeah] [2:20:40][Demo calling a function pointer without making a typedef] [2:25:04][Blackboard: Mathematical operator precedence, and Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm] [2:30:04][Blackboard: Abstract syntax tree] [2:32:37][Blackboard: Parsing a cast expression into an abstract syntax tree] [2:34:07][Blackboard: Understanding the function pointer cast] [2:43:48][@dautor][I was doing some compiler things a few months ago. Could a parser programming (maybe operator parsing only) stream?] [2:44:17][@popcorn0x90][Can you explain how you would fix some stuff such as the fog in PUBG someday? Maybe like a 9-hour lecture?] [2:44:31][@rytzale][What "blackboard" program are you using?[ref site="Milton" url="https://www.miltonpaint.com/"]] [2:45:20][A few words on C's type definition syntax][:speech] [2:48:02][Wrap it up][:speech] [/video]