[video output=day331 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Activating Entities by Brain" vod_platform=youtube id=aHv4iYdRZNM annotator=Miblo]
[0:09][Recap and set the stage for the day[ref
    page="HandmadeHero/cpp Issues"
[1:17][handmade_shared.h: Fix the ReadVarArgFloat() logic]
[3:43][Run the game to make sure that we're still working properly, and close the issue]
[5:20][todo.txt: Consult the TODO list]
[8:47][Run the game and consider how the multi-segment snake guy gets streamed in]
[12:06][Determine to treat multi-segment entities as active if as few as one segment is within an active sim region]
[13:46][handmade_entity.h: Introduce EntityFlag_Active]
[16:14][handmade_brain.cpp: Introduce MarkBrainActives()]
[22:19][handmade_brain.cpp: Implement MarkBrainActives()]
[26:32][handmade_platform.h: Introduce OffsetOf()]
[27:36][handmade_brain.h: Introduce GetEntityInSlot()]
[29:16][Run the game and update the TODO list]
[44:13][Blackboard: Multiple Sim Regions and Active Entities]
[48:07][Blackboard: When sim regions coincide]
[51:05][Blackboard: Merging sim regions]
[56:16][@jayphi][What are the reasons for separate regions again?]
[57:41][@Pseudonym][Is Bob the guy in the tree?]
[57:46][@JamesWidman][(Related to JayPhi's Q) So I was playing Kingdom: New Lands recently, and it seemed like there were some really bad frame rates that coincided with battles involving hundreds of entities on the opposite side of the world... (like, opposite to where the camera was)]
[59:38][@insofaras][Have you considered only merging with the hero's region, and deactivating ones past that, or having the regions aligned to a grid / rooms, so they don't overlap?]
[1:01:22][Blackboard: Active Region + Apron]
[1:03:03][@terrorscout][Could you have smaller regions and load nine active at a time so you always have every boundary region loaded all the time?]
[1:05:31][Blackboard: On needing to load a part of adjacent regions]
[1:06:11][@cyberpunkhobo][Couldn't you just make sure regions that get pulled in by the apron don't have their own apron activated?]
[1:08:08][Blackboard: Time-slicing and merging with only one overlapping region]
[1:09:42][@jayphi][What is the actual problem again when two active regions overlap?]
[1:10:55][@Mr4thDimention][You could always artificially keep the non-player agents away from each other]
[1:11:13][@thesizik][What do you think about a boolean flag on each update-able thing, flip it when you update, and alternate each frame which value you check for?]
[1:12:10][@JamesWidman][Why does it not suffice to use the total area of all overlapped regions (and just refuse to exceed a limit)?]
[1:13:40][Close this down][:speech]