[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Mapping Entity Indexes to Pointers" vod_platform=youtube id=lHKso30LdU8 annotator=schme annotator=jpike] [1:33][Recap of where we are with simulation regions] [1:58][Reorganizing the entity structs] [5:05][Updating code for sim_entity within low_entity] [8:17][Setting the entity's StorageIndex] [11:07][Moving entity stuff out of handmade.h] [11:31][How to reference entities?] [14:39][Creating an entity_reference] [16:00][Populating an entity_reference in EndSim] [17:52][Loading from an entity_reference in BeginSim] [22:00][Storing an entity mapping in a hash table when adding an entity] [23:24][Functions for the entity mapping hash table] [24:04][Creating the entity mapping hash table] [27:03][Internal chaining for the hash table] [28:27][Implementing GetSimEntityFromIndex] [37:45][Implementing MapStorageIndexToEntity] [39:24][Loading entities recursively] [44:14][Addressing compiler errors] [45:14][Updating camera following code] [48:54][Addressing compiler errors] [50:27][Porting MoveEntity code to work with simulation regions] [56:29][Leaving notes for remainder of simulation region work] [57:03][Q&A] [58:53][Why don't you upload chat logs with videos somehow?] [1:01:08][There's a bug in your random number table. The numbers are limited to a range.] [1:02:15][Could explain your naming conventions or explanations behind using them? I've never seen a style similar to yours - it seems inverted.] [1:04:04][Do you want the stored entities to move like normal ones or simulate them? Like you mentioned stuff moving around with slower updates off-screen.] [1:05:21][Maybe if you change your Twitch server? \[in reference to dropped packets for stream\]] [1:06:15][What is the point of high and low entity? Would it make sense to just have one?] [1:07:13][Can entities reference each other? Do you need to check for cyclic references?] [1:09:03][When is a ground-up rewrite warranted? How often do you just burn everything down and start fresh?] [1:18:32][What are your opinions of Scrum and Agile methods?] [/video]