[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Normal Map Code Cleanup" vod_platform=youtube id=xWQfjqAHvxs annotator=dspecht annotator=Miblo] [1:43][Off we go with a bit of a recap] [3:51][Talk about MakeSphereNormalMap and GPU vs CPU renderer] [4:54][Make TreeNormal for MakeSphereNormalMap to use] [7:23][Get the game running, look at the unpacking of the NormalMap and change the way that it's packed] [9:05][Blackboard: Consider the hacky nature of the problem] [11:38][Blackboard: The Ground's normals] [14:03][Handle front-facing bitmaps for now, starting by introducing UnscaleAndBiasNormal] [16:21][Check it out in-game and look back through the code] [17:28][Draw just the Normal and force Texel.a to be 1.0f] [18:17][Step through the NormalMap code] [19:14][Moment of realisation: We were still sampling out of the Texture] [19:43][Continue stepping through the code] [21:43][Moment of realisation: Usually you want to move to the next Pixel when you write one] [22:13][Quickly check the maths] [22:52][Blackboard: Nz should be Pythagorean theorem solved] [24:39][Calculate Nz] [25:11][Set the Normal and look at how the Pixels are packed] [26:28][Step through the code] [26:52][Blackboard: Dealing with the area outside the sphere] [27:35][Introduce RootTerm] [29:05][Check the values of the Normal] [29:55][Take a look at it in-game and find some erroneously negative values] [31:40][Owl of Shame Moment: Yesterday's code was awful] [32:14][View the correct NormalMap] [32:48][Recalculate Texel.rgb such that it is within the valid range of colours] [34:23][Turn off the NormalMap and consider using something more defined than the tree bitmap] [34:55][Temporarily draw TreeNormal as if it was a texture map] [36:02][Set the Pitch correctly and introduce BilinearSample function] [39:07][Check it out in-game and switch to the path in which the NormalMap modulates the texture] [39:49][Light the texture with the NormalMap] [41:22][Take a look at it in-game] [41:48][Tackle the environment_map stuff] [45:24][Blackboard: Picking from the environment map] [47:51][Nullify the Middle sample and make SampleEnvironmentMap produce values we can use] [55:33][Look forward to next week] [56:28][Q&A] [57:42][Recap today's cleaning up] [58:21][@pseudonym73][When you lerp two normals, you probably won't get a normalised vector. There are a few things you can do about that. Would you briefly comment on your thoughts about this?] [1:01:41][@chronaldragon][Q: how are we going to sample lights when calculating the pixel values for each sprite? Will there be a list of all the lights? Or will that be a parameter of some sort?] [1:02:10][@ingenero][What ever happened to your almond milk?] [1:02:27][@insofaras][Will Yangtian be making normal maps for the art now too?] [1:02:51][@andsz_][Will you cover more advanced BRDFs? Or just simple phong-like lighting equations?] [1:04:48][@panic00][What if I don't want my game to be just 'normal'? Are there any other kinds of maps I can use to make my game more unique?] [1:06:25][@chronaldragon][Q: Some games use a 'bump-map' in addition or instead of a normal map. What is the difference between these and what are the advantages or disadvantages?] [1:07:12][Blackboard: Bump Map vs Normal Map] [1:12:37][gasto5 Q; Will the effect end up like a bump map effect?] [1:12:54][@deadvertex][Could we do reflections by using our frame buffer as an environment map when drawing the bitmap?] [1:13:17][@pseudonym73][If you imagine the surface as an implicit function f(x,y,z) = 0, it's the gradient of THAT function. Which is the same as the cross product of the two surface tangents.] [1:14:44][We have come to the end of the questions] [/video]