[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code medium=admin title="Creating Tags Files" vod_platform=youtube id=XSKhCJ9b8ZA annotator=Miblo] [0:00][Briefly recap our ~4coder upgrade and set the stage for the day][:speech] [1:07][Set up to try out [@x13pixels George Menhorn]'s ~RemedyBG debugger[ref site=itch.io page=RemedyBG url=https://remedybg.itch.io/remedybg]][:speech] [3:32][Admire the concision of ~RemedyBG's distribution] [5:24][Create remedybg.bat, making it run ~RemedyBG in its own directory to keep imgui.ini files in one place] [9:09][Take a first look at ~RemedyBG] [12:04][~RemedyBG feedback: Need threads function / library name] [14:15][~RemedyBG feedback: Breakpoints in release vs debug build] [18:13][Praise ~RemedyBG's separate source and assembly windows] [20:58][Organise our ~RemedyBG windows] [22:52][~RemedyBG feedback: Watch window, out-of-scope variable resolution, keyboard-expandable compound types and editable names] [29:53][~RemedyBG feedback: Call stack window, need for a more concise view] [30:56][~RemedyBG feedback: Breakpoints window] [32:44][~RemedyBG feedback: Watch window, casting] [35:08][~RemedyBG feedback: Memory window, HexII and needing easier ways to set the address] [39:00][Final optimistic thoughts on ~RemedyBG with thanks to [@x13pixels George][ref site=RemedyBG url=https://remedybg.handmade.network/][ref site=itch.io page=RemedyBG url=https://remedybg.itch.io/remedybg]] [43:39][Consult our open issues[ref site=GitHub page="HandmadeHero / cpp" url=https://github.com/HandmadeHero/cpp/issues]] [45:01][Update the README to discuss new downloads[ref site=GitHub page="HandmadeHero / cpp / Update README to discuss new downloads" url=https://github.com/HandmadeHero/cpp/issues/81]] [58:00][Consider our need to simplify and speed up the :lighting and finish our "asset system"][:run] [1:01:04][Separate the asset markup and source files][:"asset system"] [1:07:14][Revert our asset source file names back to their originals, and make a markup file responsible for tagging][:"asset system"] [1:11:55][Single vs multiple markup files][:"asset system" :speech] [1:14:39][Create base_game.txt and intro_cutscene.txt and tag all our assets][:"asset system" :"file format"] [1:44:47][Organise our base_game.txt and intro_cutscene.txt files into a tags directory for ease of distribution][:"asset system"] [1:49:30][Consider our next steps in terms of maintaining the tags files][:"asset system" :speech] [1:54:28][Introduce a default block in base_game.hht] [1:56:13][Q&A][:speech] [1:56:42][@s0imn][Q: When utilizing the entity scheme, you mentioned in the pre-stream the single inheritance scheme. How would you implement functionality to allow :modding of the game’s existing entities, and the code handling them (such as a physics overhaul mod which replaces the physics system in the game).][:"entity system"] [2:00:34][@ivereadthesequel][Q: So what did WinDBG do better than VS' debugger? Have you thought about using it in the interim between now and when ~RemedyBG is ready?] [2:03:01][@Miblo][Q: Getting a bit fancy here, but do you think it'd be handy to have "scoped defaults" in the .hht? So you could have multiple defaults in a file, each of which has its own scope full of assets][:"asset system" :"file format"] [2:04:10][@fzes_95][Q: Did you know you can use the /d1reportTime flag for cl to see where the compiler spends its time?] [2:07:48][Wrap it up][:speech] [/video]