[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code template=code012_template.html title="Platform-independent Sound Output" vod_platform=youtube id=5YhR2zAkQmo annotator=jacebennett annotator=Miblo annotator=theinternetftw]
[0:57][Review basics of platform API design]
[3:54][What the API needs to support]
[4:53][Starting with moving sound across the API boundary]
[10:30][How most games deal with time (poorly)]
[11:06][What we are going to do]
[14:55][Moving sound generation across the boundary]
[19:30][Finding the seams]
[22:49][Dealing with sound buffers abstractly]
[25:50][Allocating a game sound buffer]
[29:33][Tangent: buffer overruns and how the debugger helps]
[31:09][Actually using the game-generated sound]
[37:01][Cleaning up the old stuff]
[42:16][A step back]
[43:30][Tangent: memory management & alloca]
[47:57][Nevermind, we'll put it on the heap]
[53:54][The remaining jank]
[57:27][Tweak the build.bat]
[58:47][Final Thoughts]
[1:00:16][Will we use alloca to store pointers to game objects that are local to the player?]
[1:04:29][If the DirectSound Lock fails, you'll pass garbage pointers to the game logic.]
[1:05:31][When you say 60fps may not be feasible do you mean on non-PC platforms?]
[1:07:50][Are we not worried about clean builds?]
[1:08:37][Allocating every frame was your bug with alloca. You were calling it in a loop.]
[1:12:26][Can you explain again why our current sound buffer fill is problematic?]
[1:15:43][Wouldn't updating graphics and sound on the same frame cause audio lag?]
[1:17:08][Since alloca is just a function call, how does the compiler know to free the memory?]
[1:17:44][Will we spilt game sound update out of GameUpdateAndRender so we can use it as a callback or on a different thread?]
[1:18:16][alloca is deprecated, we should use malloca.]
[1:20:17][can you provide a log of the chat on the website?]
[1:20:43][malloca allocs on the stack if less than 1kB and malloc's if greater.]
[1:21:33][How can you safely predict where the flip happens so you can write sound there?]
[1:24:54][We know that you can't go below 30fps for 'smooth' video. Is there a similar rule of thumb for audio?]
[1:26:29][alloca is deprecated because.... \[There are better options.\]]
[1:30:49][How do you do 2 voices in 1 buffer?]
[1:30:58][When will the first sprite be displayed in animation?]
[1:31:11][I've heard the brain treats sounds within 10ms as in-sync?]
[1:31:39][When you work with temporary memory are there dangers? How do we protect against them?]
[1:33:21][As a rhythm game player, I can notice audio sync off as little as 10ms...]
[1:35:03][Sign Off]