[video output=day110 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Unprojecting Screen Boundaries" vod_platform=youtube id=s-eL7riOnwc annotator=dspecht annotator=Miblo]
[2:33][Take a look at where we left off and where PixelsToMeters still happens]
[4:17][Make the renderer responsible for telling us what the screen dimensions are]
[9:34][Blackboard: Field of view in Y]
[12:10][Put camera parameters in render_group]
[17:46][Blackboard: Figuring out RawXY distance based on the ProjectedXY]
[18:56][Calculate RawXY]
[21:50][Figure out what we would fill in in terms of the ProjectedXY]
[26:26][Step in and see what we're getting in terms of the size]
[29:41][Check it out in-game]
[30:24][Keep on the march of tightening this down]
[31:56][Introduce MetersToPixels on the monitor]
[37:29][TODO(casey): How do we want to control our ground chunk resolution?]
[38:03][Pass DrawBuffer->Width and Height to AllocateRenderGroup and take a look in-game]
[38:47][Refresh the FocalLength]
[41:55][Massage the code]
[43:58][Take a look in-game and introduce a way to verify the computations]
[47:22][Draw the ScreenBounds]
[48:46][Introduce the concept of a DebugCamera]
[53:53][See it in-game]
[55:20][Investigate why the entities aren't moving in and out of the SimRegion based on Y]
[56:51][Draw the CameraBoundsInMeters, SimBounds and SimRegion->Bounds]
[57:49]['Too Many Rects' by Casey Muratori][quote 81]
[58:33][Take a look at it all and start to investigate why entities are not getting pulled in up to the SimRegion->Bounds]
[1:03:56][@grumpygiant256][Will the 'Too Many Rects' song be on the soundtrack album?]
[1:04:10][@robotchocolatedino][Should the MetersToPixels value take the pixel density of the monitor into account?]
[1:04:58][Blackboard: How we're parameterising things at the moment]
[1:12:28][@mr4thdimention][Are you sure the camera should be looking down perpendicular to the levels? Wouldn't the perspective art work out better if you said the camera was at an angle?]
[1:12:59][@plain_flavored][Can you please toss U, V into v2?]
[1:13:45][@garlandobloom][Q: We will know exactly how far away they are sitting if they have properly purchased their Handmade Hero branded Microsoft(r) HoloLens]
[1:14:24][Blackboard: Non-joke important thing regarding VR headsets]
[1:16:53][@waterlimon][Is 'real32' ambiguous because it could be either floating point or fixed point?]
[1:17:45][@krohnos][Is the non-smooth movement at higher zoom levels due to not being optimized or some sort of issue with sub-pixel smoothness?]
[1:18:06][@davidthomas426][Would it look different if you scale WidthOfMonitor and FocalLength together, constrained to the same ratio?]
[1:19:56][@novynn][Could you put a slider for the user to change their distance to the camera at the start of the game, like some games do with gamma?]
[1:20:43][We're about done][:speech]