[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Tile Map Memory" vod_platform=youtube id=IJYTwhqfKLg annotator=abnercoimbre annotator=Miblo annotator=theinternetftw]
[4:38][The more you know]
[8:25][Time to program]
[9:30][Adding smooth scrolling]
[12:22][Scrolling works - next test code from yesterday]
[14:00][Change position offset to be from the tile center]
[17:15][Calculating new tile from center offset (discussion)]
[22:10][Implement tile offset from center]
[28:10][Player moves faster for testing]
[29:53][Make a larger world]
[36:40][Start creating a new tile map procedurally]
[43:30][Persistent game storage]
[49:50][Size type]
[1:04:30][Going for it]
[1:11:00][Summary of the day]
[1:16:05][Garlandobloom says hi.]
[1:16:18][Can you explain the motivation behind controlling the page granularity.]
[1:22:35][Is the memory arena for more temporary objects than we're storing in the game state directly?]
[1:25:30][Why not have smooth scrolling?]
[1:26:20][We already have the -Oi compiler flag set.]
[1:29:32][Does using the memory arena still allow you to hotload your code?]
[1:31:31][Will we be implementing our own trig functions?]
[1:32:00][Will there be enough memory to store the entire sparse tile map?]
[1:32:43][Why not just allocate a large 1D array?]
[1:35:40][You're using a lot of pointers here. (Rant)]
[1:39:33][Will the memory arena be aligning the assigned memory?]
[1:39:52][Don't forget to disable -O2 again.]
[1:40:05][Comment on calling sin/cos for x86]
[1:40:57][Why don't you use lookup tables for sin/cos (Rant)]
[1:42:42][How can you say you don't need to free up memory?]
[1:43:28][Is memory access slower than MOV?]
[1:44:45][Why are tiles used? What is the real benefit of tile mapping?]
[1:46:02][Remark on x87]