[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Adding Hitpoints" vod_platform=youtube id=0_xzS8zxuq4 annotator=Miblo annotator=schme annotator=wheatdog]
[1:55][Recap and plan for the day ahead]
[3:46][Describe the "sumo mandarin" still being eaten]
[4:46][Fix jump shadow]
[7:13][Modify shadow alpha on floating head]
[10:43][Reiterate the fact that PushPiece is in pixel space]
[11:46][Make the familiar stop a little way from the hero]
[13:41][Add Hitpoint to hero]
[15:25][handmade.h: struct hit_point]
[16:02][Should hitpoints themselves be entities?]
[17:18][Draw those hitpoints]
[23:38][Blackboard: How to center hitpoints around the guy?]
[29:30][Implement the code to draw these hitpoints in the right place]
[30:45][Change the Offset in PushPiece into meter]
[38:51][Run the game and watch the Familiar bob heavily]
[39:03][Reduce the BobSin multiplier]
[39:36][Place the hitpoints in their correct positions]
[41:24][Blackboard: Explain why hitpoints stick together]
[42:08][Flip the y coordinate in PushPiece]
[43:20][Unify PushPiece and PushRect]
[46:03][Fix jump hitpoints]
[46:19][Basic v3 and v4]
[51:56][Explain why templates are bad]
[56:17][Q: Isn't making a struct for HP is preprogramming a little?]
[57:48][Q: Why not just use HitPointMax = 12 instead of dividing into 3 hearts and 4 segments?]
[58:24][Q: I noticed the floating head was always behind the player. Are you going to go for a depth buffer approach or draw back-to-front to handle this?]
[1:07:36][Q: Would it be entirely possible to completely reconstruct the current code by following every episode of the series without preordering the game?]
[1:08:08][Q: Do you think that I, as a totally new person of programming, would be able to follow along with the pace you are working at, doing rapid changes to the code without sometimes telling us why?]
[1:09:11][Q: Is there ever gonna be a moment of reflection at some point in the future where you provide a somewhat high level overview of the engine components we have been encountered so far, what they will provide and why we need them?]
[1:10:34][Q: I think it would be really cool if you implement a smooth scrolling room-based combination]
[1:11:19][Q: Is the translucent thing you were talking about hard to do on 2D UI? Do you write the UI in the same Z-buffer or is it separate?]
[1:12:51][Q: Will you be implementing more memory handling code and, if yes, what kind of things?]
[1:14:58][Q: If you do a bounding box, which is an inset X amount of meters / tiles from the room edge, you could use the collision of the player with the bounding box to start smooth scrolling to the next room, etc.]
[1:15:36][Q: How will we be handling resolution variance?]
[1:16:41][Q: What kind of error handling / logging do you have in place now, and how will that possibly change?]
[1:17:35][Q: Why are strings such a problem for so many engines?]
[1:17:45][Q: How hard is it to port a 32-bit game engine to compile a 64-bit output client if the origin game splits executables to surpass the 4-gig cap?]
[1:18:30][Q: Zelda had scrolling when you transition between rooms. Are you going to have something similar?]
[1:18:47][Q: Would you mind giving a brief walkthrough of the memory management going on right now in the code from the game boot and forward?]
[1:22:21][Q: Why is it impossible to resize a raster image and why does everything have to be rasterized for drawing? Why can't textures be vector-based?]
[1:24:51][Q: Couldn't we build handmade.cpp and win32_handmade.cpp in separate threads? Is there a way to pipe the error messages in a sane way using the build.bat approach?]
[1:25:57][Q: SWTOR does it (about 32-bit splits into 2 separate processes question)]
[1:26:54][Q: Binding of Isaac does have scrolling between rooms, albeit a very quick transition]
[1:27:37][Q: What is the drawing app we are using?]
[1:28:13][Internet: Check out the scrolling in The Binding of Isaac]
[1:29:54][We've finish up on the stream]
[1:29:59][Save our giant drawing in Mischief]