[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Introduction to Game Architecture" vod_platform=youtube id=rPJfadFSCyQ annotator=theinternetftw]
[0:00][First day of Programming the Actual Game]
[2:56][We'll know how everything happens above the platform layer]
[6:05][Software Architecture]
[6:50][...vs. Real Architecture]
[9:40][Taking the metaphor literally: UML as Blueprint]
[11:00][The problem with that]
[13:17][An alternative view: Software Designer as Urban Planner]
[15:15][The freedom of software: malleable architecture]
[17:25][Software Design: How the city works]
[20:35][The Art of Defining Boundaries]
[21:36][Why you want boundaries]
[25:41][Metrics for Architecture]
[34:12][Game Architecture]
[34:55][What we've done]
[38:07][What's to come]
[44:54][Coupling and the Cache]
[48:54][Resources: Load vs Stream]
[55:58][Immediate mode vs. Retained mode]
[1:03:00][Is Immediate Mode/Retained Mode like IoC (inversion of control) / Dependency Injection \[n.b. No it's not -ed\]]
[1:03:14][Is it okay that we're using a fixed time step when users might not make 30fps?]
[1:04:20][Game won't run at a fixed timestep: we'll take in t as a param]
[1:05:05][Are you going to work with Virtual File Systems to store resources?]
[1:05:34][On rendering while updating: What about when the render of something at the top of update() would've changed if we'd known about something that's at the bottom?]
[1:06:25][Update dependencies are a general problem that should be solved by the architect]
[1:07:25][What happens when you need to render in a different order than you update?]
[1:08:14][Explain the variable, demands Naysayer88]
[1:09:16][How do you handle update/render at different frame rates?]
[1:10:00][When you say do update/render together, do you mean do it per entity?]
[1:10:35][Are we planning on networking?]
[1:11:00][How are you going to handle shaders?]
[1:11:11][What language are you using primarily? Where can we view old streams?]
[1:12:10][Would a memory mapped virtual filesystem be a bad move?]
[1:13:39][Will handmade use loading or streaming?]
[1:13:52][Can you go over how streaming fits in to the GUAR?]
[1:15:09][Will combining update and render limit multithreading?]
[1:16:47][Treatise on threading]
[1:20:43][Since the eye can only see at 70fps \[citation needed -ed\], should we set a max fps?]
[1:21:28][How will we handle vsync?]
[1:22:08][Couldn't you store groups together to win some on a split update / render?]
[1:23:25][Async job system?]
[1:24:20][Whennn willl youuu worrrkkk onnn theee gammmeeee?!?!?!?!?!11!!]
[1:24:53][Will we make a physics engine?]
[1:25:17][Is it okay to post a js/html5 port on my github?]
[1:26:54][Thanks / Next time on... / Holiday Hours][:speech]