[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=chat title="Inverse Kinematics" vod_platform=youtube id=rTF0PWnRUrw annotator=Miblo]
[0:58][@elxenoaizd][What is Inverse Kinematics, how does it work and why do we care?]
[2:05][Blackboard: Kinematics]
[7:54][Blackboard: Degree of Freedom]
[13:04][Blackboard: Summary of Kinematics]
[13:48][Blackboard: End Effector]
[15:03][Blackboard: Inverse Kinematics]
[19:41]["I.K. is a nasty, nasty, nasty problem"][quote 372]
[21:10][Blackboard: Inverse trigonometry is always harder than trigonometry]
[24:36][Blackboard: Typically underdetermined and, if not, it's discontinuous]
[32:37][Blackboard: Possible techniques for solving an underdetermined system]
[35:08][Blackboard: Discontinuousness]
[36:50][Blackboard: There are usually joint limits]
[38:40][Blackboard: Operations research]
[40:19][Blackboard: Linear complementarity solver \[see Resources\]]
[43:04][Blackboard: Usually you don't need to mathematically accurately solve I.K. problems]
[45:59][@Mr4thDimention][I would think boundary conditions would help to move you towards being more determined, so why don't each of those two problems reduce the severity of the other?]
[47:52][@elxenoaizd][Thanks for the awesome answer. I was intending to use I.K. to solve for foot placement on uneven terrain, so we have an animation of the dude moving, and want to place his foot correctly on the ground. Is that hard?]
[50:24][Blackboard: Cyclic coordinate descent]
[52:52][Close it down]