[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Changing to Static Frame Arrays" vod_platform=youtube id=esRhxNS0Ee8 annotator=Miblo]
[1:48][handmade_debug.cpp: Initialise the ProfileGraph dimensions to something relatively large]
[4:01][Run the game, see the profile at a more useable default size and set the stage for the day]
[5:42][handmade_debug.cpp: Introduce DrawFrameBars which draws stacked bars for multiple frames]
[15:55][handmade_debug.cpp: Call DrawFrameBars rather than DrawProfileIn]
[17:17][handmade_debug.cpp: Cap the FrameIndex]
[18:02][Run the game and see our stack]
[18:08][handmade_debug.cpp: Increase the FrameCount to 10]
[20:50][handmade_debug.cpp: Just set the RootNode to be the OldestEvent]
[22:03][handmade_debug.cpp: Increase the FrameCount to 128]
[22:18][Run the game and see a more granular view of what's happening over time]
[24:36][handmade_debug.h: Remove debug_frame_region and MAX_REGIONS_PER_FRAME]
[25:58]["None of that's a thing"][quote 454]
[26:08][handmade_debug.h: Introduce debug_element_frame to allow us to track and time events]
[31:07][handmade_debug.h: Introduce FrameOrdinal and MostRecentFrameOrdinal and make functions in handmade_debug.cpp use it]
[38:09][handmade_debug.cpp: Work on FreeFrame and FreeOldestFrame, and rework NewFrame as InitFrame]
[48:12][handmade_debug.cpp: Introduce IncrementFrameOrdinal and GetCollationFrame]
[51:32][handmade_debug.cpp: Work through compile errors]
[1:01:48][Run the game and see that it is (almost) working]
[1:02:48][Debugger: Break on FreeFrame and inspect the ordinals]
[1:09:33][handmade_debug.cpp: Conditionally do a FREELIST_DEALLOCATE in FreeFrame]
[1:12:58][handmade_debug.cpp: Scrutinise FreeFrame and do a ZeroStruct on *ElementFrame]
[1:14:48][Run the game and reiterate the fact that we're leaking memory]
[1:17:10][@EnemyMouse][Do you need to wrap that + FrameOrdinal in the FreeFrame function?]
[1:17:48][handmade_debug.cpp: Assert that FrameOrdinal is less than DEBUG_FRAME_COUNT]
[1:19:08][handmade_debug.cpp: Keep track of the FreedEventCount]
[1:19:55][Run the game, crash and find that we're freeing one more event than we're storing]
[1:21:10][handmade_debug.cpp: Remove a FREELIST_DEALLOCATE]
[1:21:36][Rebuild and run and find that the bug's gone]
[1:22:48][@zilarrezko][I'm a bit behind on Handmade Hero, but do you typically bypass (for something like off-stream coding) all the simplified things like rendering a bitmap like how you were doing (DrawBitmap, like on episode 39), and go straight to the renderer? But as well as other things like structured assets and the like?]
[1:25:27][@DudeInBasement1][Thoughts on using a static array instead of the lists?]
[1:26:16][@Miblo][insobot had this to say today: "Inheritance and encapsulation two best inventions of mankind". Discuss]
[1:26:31][@EnemyMouse][Do you prefer to use modulo or masking for circular indexing? Do compilers replace modulos with bitwise-and if the operand is power of 2 -1?]
[1:28:21][@erdomina][Are we still doing the marathon stream to account for the Q&A Monday madness?]
[1:28:33][@SoysauceTheKid][The profiler code you had running several weeks ago, what happened to it? Some of the things you had implemented like the multiple lanes seemed to have disappeared]
[1:29:07][handmade_debug.cpp: Reenable the profile lanes]
[1:30:35][Run the game, see the multiple lanes, enable the software renderer and crash]
[1:31:10][handmade_debug.cpp: Disable the recursion for now and run the game]
[1:32:39][@zilarrezko][What if you aren't really learning from Handmade Hero? Where I've gone through episodes 1-28 about four times and I thought I knew how to do so. I tried to make the simplified win32 layer to get to the independent layer, and I found that I couldn't do it. The documentation was rough and I forgot what things did what. What would you say to people who find that they aren't learning?]
[1:35:29][handmade_debug.cpp: Switch from DrawProfileIn to DrawFrameBars and view the profiler]
[1:36:10][Call it][:speech]
[1:37:42][Promote 4coder][:speech]