[video member=miotatsu stream_platform=twitch project=book title="C vs. ASM, 2.3" vod_platform=youtube id=El_YbdOi42U annotator=Miblo]
[0:13][Recap and set the stage for the day, with thoughts on comparing the code sizes of various languages][:speech]
[2:58][Perform a more rigorous "Hello, World!" comparison between C and x86 :asm][:language :programming]
[9:57][@supersaiyengunner][Just passing by seeing what’s on and I heard I don’t need sake]
[10:34][Note that start.S will be shared between :asm and C][:language :programming]
[11:02][@supersaiyengunner][Now I’m clueless]
[11:38][@supersaiyengunner][I just found you]
[12:13][Pull up the existing clang invocation for test.c][:programming]
[13:01][@supersaiyengunner][I’m down to learn]
[14:24][Build and consult the objdump for our program][:programming]
[15:54][Create hello.S][:asm :programming]
[17:02][@supersaiyengunner][I must absorb your knowledge so I can become more powerful]
[17:42][Remove excess lines from hello.S][:asm :programming]
[19:15][Compare the lines of code in hello.S and test.c][:language :asm :programming]
[21:50][Chapter 2.3 - Operands of the Computer Hardware[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
[24:41][Sketch out a way to deal with the limited number of :hardware registers, with thoughts on portable software][:programming]
[41:12][Chapter 2.3 continued[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
[44:10][Recall [@cmuratori Casey]'s explanation of how the speed of light can become a bottleneck[ref
    page="Intro to C on Windows - Day 3"
[52:49][Chapter 2.3 continued[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
[55:40][Chapter 2.3 Example 1 - Compiling a C Assignment Using Registers[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
    url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-risc-v-edition/patterson/978-0-12-812275-4]][:asm :hardware]
[56:29][Our answer to Chapter 2.3 Example 2][:asm :blackboard :hardware]
[1:00:32][Setup the tablet][:admin]
[1:01:51][Putting variables into RISC-V registers][:blackboard :hardware]
[1:04:03][Compare our answer to Chapter 2.3 Example 1 with the book[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
    url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-risc-v-edition/patterson/978-0-12-812275-4]][:asm :hardware]
[1:07:37][Chapter 2.3 continued, :Memory Operands[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
[1:09:51][Figure 2.2 - :Memory addresses and contents of memory at those locations[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
    url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-risc-v-edition/patterson/978-0-12-812275-4]][:blackboard :hardware]
[1:15:26][Chapter 2.3 continued[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
    url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-risc-v-edition/patterson/978-0-12-812275-4]][:hardware :memory]
[1:16:05][Chapter 2.3 Example 2 - Compiling an Assignment When an Operand Is in :Memory[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
[1:16:51][Compiling g = h + A\[8\];][:asm :blackboard :memory]
[1:24:56][Compare our answer to Chapter 2.3 Example 2 with the book[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
    url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-risc-v-edition/patterson/978-0-12-812275-4]][:asm :memory]
[1:25:32][Update our answer to use x22 as the base address][:blackboard :asm :memory]
[1:26:19][Continue to compare our answer to Chapter 2.3 Example 2[ref
    title="Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition"
    author="David Patterson & John Hennessy"
    publisher="Morgan Kaufmann"
    url=https://www.elsevier.com/books/computer-organization-and-design-risc-v-edition/patterson/978-0-12-812275-4]][:asm :memory]
[1:29:42][Leave the rest of Chapter 2.3 for the next day][:speech]