[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Adding Simple Lighting" vod_platform=youtube id=9iivQoWdsFk annotator=Miblo]
[0:10][Recap and set the stage for the day, with a mention of @mtsmox's discovery of that problem with our depth enable]
[1:21][A few words on the month-long failure of Google Drive to download the HandmadeCon videos]
[2:21][Blackboard: Multisampled Depth Peeling]
[7:21][Run the game to show off the artifact-free smoothing]
[10:07][Blackboard: Splitting the min and max depth to perform the depth peeling]
[11:32][Run the game, consider packing the new art into a texture atlas, and determine to get some lighting in]
[18:10][Blackboard: In Graphics, Light = Photons]
[21:53][Blackboard: Off-line rendered lighting, as a probabilistic sampling problem]
[25:37][Blackboard: Real-time rendered lighting, and falloff]
[32:57][Blackboard: Falloff affected by Distance, and the inverse square law]
[40:16][Blackboard: Perceivable Brightness, and the projection equation as the inverse of the photon spread equation]
[44:42][Blackboard: Falloff affected by Participating Media, e.g. dust, air, water droplets]
[48:21][Blackboard: Falloff affected by Reflection]
[55:53][Blackboard: Surface Diffusiveness]
[1:04:05][Blackboard: Cosine falloff, affected by the angle at which photons hit a surface]
[1:07:16][Blackboard: Regional lighting, as in Stardew Valley]
[1:11:22][Blackboard: Normal mapped lighting, as created by Sprite Lamp[ref
    page="Sprite Lamp Trailer"
[1:13:25][handmade_opengl.cpp: Add a regional light source in CompileZBiasProgram()[ref
    site="OpenGL Registry"
    page="The OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Quick Reference Card"
[1:20:08][Run the game to see our light source]
[1:22:00][handmade_opengl.cpp: Create a second, brighter light in CompileZBiasProgram()]
[1:23:05][Run the game to see our two lights, and note that we may want to pre-compute the lights into a voxel grid]
[1:25:04][Consider using the facing direction of our surfaces to improve the lighting]
[1:27:19][Blackboard: Light scattering, and cosine falloff]
[1:31:02][Practical experiment: Glancing light off a piece of paper]
[1:32:50][Blackboard: Surface normal]
[1:33:49][handmade_platform.h: Add N to textured_vertex]
[1:35:02][Blackboard: Using the cross product to produce normals]
[1:35:43][handmade_render_group.cpp: Make PushQuad() produce the surface Normal]
[1:39:53][handmade_opengl.cpp: Enable UseProgramBegin() to use that Normal]
[1:42:35][handmade_opengl.cpp: Make OpenGLCreateProgram() take an opengl_program_common to write into directly]
[1:46:43][Step in to UseProgramBegin() to see if anything looks weird]
[1:48:23][handmade_opengl.cpp: Insert space for the normals in the Vertex arrays]
[1:49:49][@soysaucethekid][For the lighting of the sprites, do you need to compensate for the angle offset if it's using the same light source as the terrain?]
[1:51:00][@AsafGartner][There seems to be a lot of banding around the lights]
[1:52:19][handmade_opengl.cpp: Try to make OpenGLInit() use a full floating point resolution back buffer]
[1:56:15][handmade_opengl.cpp: Try to make OpenGLRenderCommands() enable GL_DITHER]
[2:00:30][@flyingsolomon][As our hero does not represent the actual hero that saves our lives every day all over the world, I took liberty and made some corrections to the game art...]
[2:00:53][@stashiocat][What kind of rendering pipeline does this use? Forward? Deferred? Both?]
[2:01:24][@graeme7][is the debug text being lighted?]
[2:01:29][@mtsmox][Use sampler with shift key pressed to get info window]
[2:01:40][@flyingsolomon][I miss the little line showing the current filename inside 4coder. It was easier to follow that way]
[2:02:08][@areriff86][How expensive it will be if the light source is moving, for example, following the torch that hero could be carrying or the flying light projectile?]
[2:03:01][@uplinkcoder][Update CodeXL. It will not be able to step into the shader, but you should be able to see the OpenGL state]
[2:03:33][Wind it down, with the determination to investigate the banding, noting that the light moves with the hero][:speech]