[video output=day027 member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Exploration-based Architecture" vod_platform=youtube id=Mi98zVBb6Wk annotator=theinternetftw] [0:00][Welcome] [2:22][Evolution of a Project] [6:43][How to drive towards an unknown destination] [9:36][The dangers of pre-planning] [12:27][The exploration two-step] [16:22][Game engine goals] [17:01][LoZ Influence] [19:56][Tile Map - What to modernize, what to keep] [24:12][Goals for Procedural Generation of Levels] [31:12][Rich Combinatoric Interactions] [34:44][There's no plan, folks] [36:06][The coding begins] [36:30][Add something we forgot] [38:08][Clean out old debug visuals/sounds] [42:35][Resolution goals] [47:30][Let's draw a rectangle] [49:30][What to know about bounds for drawing geometry] [54:21][Coding drawRectangle] [1:02:48][Rounding floats to ints] [1:05:32][Testing drawRectangle] [1:10:48][What's that link error when you compile?] [1:11:52][What things are good to put in a portfolio?] [1:12:15][Does this work?] [1:12:26][Thought on making this all completely functional?] [1:14:10][How do you do compression programming with big teams?] [1:16:00][Do you think writing structs for things like vectors is good?] [1:17:35][Are you going to use linear texture layout or something fancy?] [1:17:50][If C didn't exist what language would you use?] [1:18:50][Where can we find out info on engine architectures?] [1:19:46][Particulars on procedural generation? Will dungeons regenerate every time you enter] [1:20:49][Will the game be generated as you go?] [1:21:58][What with Jon Blow and Variables?] [1:23:07][Will you use fixed point?] [1:23:47][How old were you in the picture on mollyrocket.com?] [1:24:19][Why are subpixels better than pixels?] [1:25:26][Will you be growing a beard?] [1:25:38][Are you going to use linear texture layout or something fancy and swizzly (repeat, but answered this time)?] [1:26:23][Would the player really notice a 1-2 frame lag of sound in this game?] [1:27:28][How different would initial rendering be if the game was vector-based?] [1:28:15][You cut me deep, Casey.] [1:28:32][What's bad about OOP?] [1:30:50][I'm having trouble understanding the sound stuff, should I worry?] [1:31:53][Did you work on NWN2?] [1:32:51][Can the compiler optimize the rect draw based on (lack of) aliasing?] [1:34:30][Will we be doing Antialiasing?] [1:34:36][Future old-man baldness strategies?] [1:34:54][Can you explain the subpixel stuff via video?] [1:35:10][Are you making a runescape clone?] [1:35:15][What do you suggest for mobile game dev?] [1:35:30][Will we be using DX11 for the rendering layer?] [1:35:45][Pokemans? \[no\]] [1:35:56][Disparaging Python?] [1:36:39][Dinosaurs? \[are cool\]] [1:36:43][How can I get a (good) job (like you)?] [1:36:54][Lazer sharks? \[also cool\]] [1:36:58][Mounts? \[probably not?\]] [1:37:01][How often do tech limitations matter?] [1:38:02][Member functions?] [1:38:16][Owl of shame is navi?] [1:38:31][How will you use the game memory block?] [1:39:01][What if MinX and MaxX are both less than 0?] [1:40:05][In a perfect world... Pokemans? \[no\]] [1:40:29][Moral message? Hired a writer?] [1:40:47][Handy Links / Holiday Hours / Happy Coding][:speech] [/video]