[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Playing Multiple Cutscenes" vod_platform=youtube id=btGVLs4NSOM annotator=Miblo]
[1:11][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Compose Shot 10]
[5:49]["...he has a lot of hats"][quote 339]
[13:26][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Compose Shot 11]
[31:47][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Introduce IntroCutscene to make these shots play in a series]
[37:45][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Bust out that emacs macro]
[39:02][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Set the ShotChangeTime]
[40:02][handmade_cutscene.h: Add Duration to layered_scene]
[41:52][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Give RenderCutscene the ability to play all of the shots in sequence]
[45:18][Run the game and see that the cutscene isn't actually going]
[46:14][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Set &IntroCutscene index from ShotIndex]
[46:37][Debugger: Step into RenderCutscene]
[47:37][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Introduce b32 PrettyStupid to indicate the end of the cutscene]
[48:08][Run the game and see our cutscene happening]
[51:14][@Evine][Will there be hat DLC?]
[51:45][@abnercoimbre][Wait for more Q's]
[51:49][@CurlingChamp][Do you prefer OpenGL or DirectX?]
[52:08][@iWumbo_][Who draws all the pictures?]
[52:14][@blah238][I think there is still a tiny gap at the top of the window in shot 2, towards the very end of the shot]
[53:05][handmade_cutscene.cpp: Tweak the position of the window in Shot 2]
[53:55][@evraire][Seems like the cutscene is nearly finished (for a first pass). Are we returning to debugging next?]
[54:10][@Euphius][How do you compile so fast?]
[54:20][@SoysauceTheKid][Will there be sound effects in the intro scene (i.e. door opening sound effects)? Would this be separate or part of the voiceover?]
[54:44][@TheLagScript][I'm starting out Game Development and know a good portion of C++, but trying to learn OpenGL or advanced graphics rendering libs is feeling too tedious to me. Any recommendations?]
[55:46][@Risorsk][Will the hat be in the cut scene after it's chosen?]
[56:16][@Fyoucon][Excited for Vulkan?]
[56:26][@Miblo][Could we just watch the cutscene on loop while we do Q&A?]
[56:49][@Fyoucon][Know any good OpenGL tutorials?]
[57:24][@Kelimion][For that over the shoulder scene, what if you could give the boy a velocity as well, so that it partially exaggerated or countered the camera movement, giving him some actual movement?]
[57:59][@cubercaleb][What do you have to say to the anti global variable zealots who would complain about all those globals in the cutscene code?]
[58:36][@NoRaD91][I think the last shot still has clipping at the end (the hero's head)]
[59:38][@CurlingChamp][What's your favorite header file to include? The ones you will add when starting a project]
[1:00:26][@pragmascrypt][One day you mentioned the banding on the stream overlays and said that it would be really easy to fix. How would you fix it?]
[1:01:22][@Lkey144][Who is your ideal 'voice of Krampus'?]
[1:01:34][@garlandobloom][Do the hats bestow magical powers upon you?]
[1:01:42][@icyfillup][I asked this during the pre-stream, but not sure if you caught it. Still catching up with the series, but have you written a better hash after the sim region episodes?]
[1:02:07][@CaptainKraft][Off-topic - How much planning for a large (longer than one year) software project do you do before you start the project? How do you estimate the time it takes to get the work done?]
[1:02:59][@Danyguag][When is Vulkan coming out? Why do you not like Vulkan?]
[1:03:07][@CurlingChamp][Are you familiar with FreeGLUT? Thoughts on that specifically]
[1:03:20][@elxenoaizd][I'm trying to go as independent as I can in my codebase as well. One thing that I'm not sure how to replace is GLEW, i.e. how to load the OpenGL functions myself. You mentioned you had your own library for that. Any tips / advice how to write / where to begin?]
[1:04:07][@KillerkoUK][What Did Krampus do with other children after he gifted that hand to our hero? What was the purpose of his visit?]
[1:04:19][@cubercaleb][Do you at least include windows?]
[1:04:29][@Imapushover][There's a glitch in the graphic near the cockroach's antenna in the hats plane]
[1:05:26][@Miblo][I have a feeling the clip plane might have been introduced when we were doing the multiple ground layers]
[1:06:18][@Miblo][Maybe on Day 107: Fading Z Layers]
[1:06:51][@elxenoaizd][Krampus sounds so cool. How did you come up with the name?]
[1:07:49][@CurlingChamp][Does Krampus return to 0?]
[1:08:35][@abnercoimbre][Thank you, Casey]
[1:08:58][@armoafro][Will you be doing Ludum Dare this weekend?]
[1:10:08][@KillerkoUK][Sometimes the transition from scene to scene is not perfect. Are you going to fix that?]
[1:13:07][Windows Task Manager: Check our memory usage]
[1:15:17][Windows Task Manager: Check our CPU usage]
[1:18:09][@CurlingChamp][Why make the CPU do it?]
[1:20:14][@ChronalDragon][Cockroach confirmed for familiar DLC?]
[1:20:20][@Danyguag][Is there some interface to use for using the GPU?]
[1:20:30][@MrSuperK10][Is this the most in depth game you've created (i.e cut scenes, game engine and so on)?]
[1:20:44][@Miblo][NearClipPlane was introduced on Day 108: Perspective Projection (thanks to insofaras's git-fu)]
[1:20:54][@CurlingChamp][Isn't GLSL and the DirectX shader language good for this?]
[1:21:19][@cubercaleb][Would it be possible to access the GPU without a driver?]
[1:22:27][@CurlingChamp][Moving graphics on-screen, get the CPU to do other calculations]
[1:24:00][@CurlingChamp][Don't mean to cramp your style. I made some stuff BitBlting too]
[1:24:53][@ttbjm][And gamma correction!]
[1:25:22][@cubercaleb][Does bi-linear filtering hold up in 3D?]
[1:26:19][@Imapushover][Handmade cut scene screensaver for Christmas?]
[1:26:39][@Miblo][Yeah, as far as I can tell, you set the NearClipPlane pretty darn arbitrarily]
[1:27:00][Call it day][:speech]