[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Opening a Win32 Window - Q&A" vod_platform=youtube id=d003_D-9EnY annotator=jacebennett annotator=Miblo]
[1:32][Question about Atoms in Windows API]
[2:17][Can you go fullscreen?]
[2:40][Improving the way things are shown on stream]
[3:02][What's the fastest path for getting a pixel on the screen on Windows?]
[4:45][Dealing with ANSI strings]
[6:09][Do you use always the same technique for creating a fullscreen window?]
[6:38][Is the for-loop just for keeping the window alive?]
[8:26][Can I preorder the Epilepsy Simulator?]
[8:48][Do we want the player to resize our window?]
[9:09][Can you experiment what happens when you take out CS_HREDRAW and CS_VREDRAW?]
[10:31][Any considerations for 64-bit on tonight's code?]
[13:42][Using const qualifier]
[14:55][Compilation issue]
[17:23][You're nesting quite a lot of blocks.]
[18:04][My app doesn't respond to the window's close button]
[20:15][for(;;) vs. while(true)]
[22:29][Can you explain the Window Handler one more time?]
[33:47][Closing remarks]