[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Proper 3D Inclusion Tests" vod_platform=youtube id=tcirDivLd8A annotator=csnover annotator=schme annotator=Miblo]
[0:48][Coding from scratch, "just like mommy used to code"][quote 26]
[1:51][Fix IsInRectangle cut/paste bug]
[3:04][Fix ChunkPositionFromTilePosition bug]
[4:48][Debug MapIntoChunkSpace precision problem]
[7:11]["Just do the code and let it go..."][quote 27]
[9:07][Debug jumping over the world problem]
[13:42][Diagramming jump into the next highest chunk]
[16:35][Found the problem!]
[19:41][Solving the world_position puzzler]
[21:27][handmade.h: Comment out world_position P;][quote 28]
[28:36][Actually, the world_position puzzler is unsolvable]
[31:24][Next up: Minkowski inclusion test]
[31:45][Frinstances][quote 29]
[33:30][Diagramming the problem]
[36:16][Related problem: finding colliding entities outside the test area]
[42:12][Implementation of the simpler option]
[59:41][@pseudonym73][We had a bit of a troll problem today. Hang on]
[1:00:23][@garlandobloom][Pasta was gross]
[1:00:37][@bruno51615][What was your grade on APCS?]
[1:01:44][@lowaccuracy][I just joined the stream, so sorry if this has been answered, but what math classes did you take in high school, and what grades did you get?]
[1:02:12][@zamar037][I noticed a bunch of your functions are inlined. Is there a difference between using regular functions and inlined functions?]
[1:05:44][@byval][Day 72, how much longer do you think it's going to take?]
[1:06:50][@happy_vertex][Could you take a look at players collision? They spawn very close to each other]
[1:07:22][@manicthenobody][Since there's not much in the way of questions, where do you get your Almond Milk from?]
[1:07:42][@ocdfalcon1997][This is my first time watching your stream, and I would like to learn how to code. This seems like a cool stream to watch, but I don't know your streaming schedule. So basically, what's your streaming schedule?]
[1:08:10][@chronaldragon][Are there are any good use cases for 4D vectors?]
[1:08:32][Blackboard: 4D Vectors]
[1:11:01][@masterevilace][General programming question: Do you tend to order your functions in any sort of order - public / private / static - or even flow-wise - Function A calls Function B? Do you tend to always put one above the other, or do you never think about it?]
[1:12:03][@insofaras][Will you extend your Minkowski collision implementation to deal with rotation / arbitrary convex polygons in the future?]
[1:15:14][@nxsy][Why is Win32 Mouse Handling so annoying - WM_LMOUSEDOWN but no WM_LMOUSEUP if you leave your window, WM_MOUSELEAVE unless you get alt-tabbed away, SetCapture helping if you leave the window, unless alt-tab...]
[1:16:07][@quatzequatel][Casey, when will the Z-index of the entities occur?]
[1:16:21][@d74g0n][Is anyone here old enough to miss the great space coaster?]
[1:16:44][@gaudongaming][Do you ever foresee the project getting to a stage in which you accept pull and merge requests from other developers to fix bugs, add features or other things? Of course you would first have to start using version control before your hard drive fails]
[1:17:29][@manicthenobody][I've jumped from, like, episode 12 in the archive to the stream, so forgive me if this has been answered before, but why does the player even need to jump?]
[1:18:10][@happy_vertex][Create a second player by using the Xbox controller, it will be very close to the one created by a keyboard, so both cannot move]
[1:19:38][@bassxzero][What's the most elegant / sexy piece of code in the game so far?]
[1:21:42][@valdyr90][What program do you use for your blackboard?]
[1:21:57][@hguleryuz][If I am not mistaken, in your code you didn't need to use any forward declarations and come up against cyclic dependencies up until now. Is this by chance or did you try in your head not to have them when writing up new functions / structs?]
[1:23:39][@quatzequatel][Entities drawing back to front]
[1:23:59][@d74g0n][Will there be a Handmade Hero Convention annually, after game release?]
[1:24:25][@erdomina][Are you implementing any advanced data structures and would you recommend learning assembly to aid in optimizing C programs? Any tips on practice?]
[1:26:09][@ddengster][Is there such a thing as a 'hardware' cursor as compared to a 'software' mouse cursor?]
[1:28:20][We are out of time][:speech]