[video output=basic_emacs member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=misc title="Optional Editor Intro: Basic Emacs Tutorial" vod_platform=youtube id=hbmV1bnQ-i0 annotator=schme annotator=effect0r annotator=theinternetftw] [0:00:00][Introduction and disclaimer][:speech] [0:01:29][Where to get Casey's .emacs config file] [0:02:26][What's in the .emacs file (quick overview)] [0:03:05][How to use the .emacs file] [0:05:25][Basics of emacs] [0:05:41][The mini-buffer] [0:09:55][Navigation - Casey's keybindings for emacs: open a file in current window] [0:11:53][Navigation - Save file in current window] [0:12:03][Navigation - Load file in other window] [0:13:26][Navigation - Switching to already-open buffers in either window] [0:14:16][Navigation - Switching windows] [0:14:53][Navigation - Toggeling between .h and .cpp files] [0:16:09][Killing a buffer] [0:16:55][Editing in emacs] [0:18:21][Automatic indentation of a block] [0:18:42][Saving the cursors current position] [0:19:21][Auto-indent a block] [0:19:43][Copy, paste, and cut a block] [0:21:10][Jump back to previous mark] [0:22:25][Jumping to functions by name] [0:23:03][Undo in emacs] [0:25:09][Search] [0:25:47][Query replace] [0:26:12][Replace inside block] [0:27:11][Look for and execute build.bat] [0:27:38][Keyboard macros] [0:31:02][A quick look at the .emacs file to see if he missed anything] [0:31:27][Auto-completion of words] [0:31:51][Reflow a comment] [0:33:19][Next and previous error after a compile] [0:33:52][Go to line number] [0:34:15][Revert buffer] [0:37:01][Wrap up][:speech] [/video]