[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Resolution-Independent Rendering" vod_platform=youtube id=e3d7kEtX6iw annotator=Miblo annotator=dspecht]
[1:36][Recap where we're at]
[3:13][Take a closer look at that perspective projection]
[5:42][Blackboard: The components of the perspective equation]
[8:21][Determine the size of our monitor]
[12:12][Think about MetersToPixels and resolution independence]
[14:07][Encode our hotspots as being proportional to the size of the bitmaps]
[18:48][Get rid of MetersToPixels from the encode call]
[19:44][Blackboard: We are going to specify sizes in meters]
[21:16][Introduce WidthOverHeight and specify our expected sizes]
[23:35][Whenever we do that read... right...][quote 77]
[24:32][Do this without any values in the pipeline]
[32:42][Blackboard: Unit cube][quote 78]
[38:05][Finally do that MetersToPixels projection]
[40:50][Check it out in-game][quote 79]
[41:13][Debug it]
[42:01][Check it out and make PushBitmap start specifying the size that it thinks things should be]
[47:06][Take a look at the bitmaps in GIMP][quote 80]
[47:40][Synthetically scale up the HeroBitmaps]
[48:56][Check it out and tweak the camera values]
[51:36][Clean this stuff up]
[56:20][Base MetersToPixels off the ScreenDim.x]
[59:07][Demonstrate this resolution-independence]
[1:05:38][@grumpygiant256][Should the hero/tree sizes not be dictated by the resolution of the art, i.e. to maintain constant pixel density?]
[1:07:32][@mr4thdimention][If you want your game to be full screen, how would you want to handle screens with different aspect ratios?]
[1:08:18][@garlandobloom][Q: Baby familiars]
[1:09:00][@ttbjm][Tiny shadows look funny]
[1:10:15][@chronaldragon][Q: It could be interesting to have larger trees that span multiple Z-levels. Don't know how well it would work in our style]
[1:10:38][@insofaras][Will the game support scaling to arbitrary resolutions now?]
[1:12:06][@dangalf_][Could you explain what the #if #endif stuff is for and when/how you use it?]
[1:14:12][@ttbjm][Will the stairs have different artwork for the top and bottom and if so how would you make them seamless? Per step artwork each at their own height?]
[1:15:47][@plain_flavored][Can we at least get some crappy MS paint programmer art stairs in there instead of yellow blocks?]
[1:15:55][@plain_flavored][What happened to the cool velocity boost from stairwells?]
[1:16:20][@ifingerbangedurcat][Towards the end when packaging, will you show us compression methods and ways to package all the assets in one file?]
[1:17:16][@ishytarus][Is the hero supposed to shrink on the stairs?]
[1:21:20][@thesizik][Double Semicolon!]
[1:21:56][@abnercoimbre][Q: Seems we ran out of questions. Thank you for streaming, it's always a privilege! Pre-stream was painful, though]
[1:22:02][Thank you to the moderators: @garlandobloom, @abnercoimbre, @chronaldragon and @drive137]
[1:23:58][Look forward to the future][:speech]