[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=intro-to-c title="Intro to C on Windows - Day 2 Q&A" vod_platform=youtube id=FVDEIXdGBYo annotator=jacebennett annotator=theinternetftw]
[1:30][If windows wants \\r\\n, why does printf("hello\\n") work fine?]
[3:06][printf internals]
[4:58][watching printf work]
[7:28][short answer: C tries to help with platform independence]
[8:56][consequence of this: binary vs text mode in fopen]
[11:27][Do you have to use utf-16 on windows?]
[12:00][short answer: you have to speak utf-16 when talking to windows]
[12:13][why .cpp files if you write in pure C?]
[13:26][char unsigned vs. unsigned char]
[15:30][note: there are tooltips in these videos not captured by OBS]
[15:59][Are you going to talk about what optimizations do to your asm?]
[16:47][Good resources for learning about asm? (A: Not really)]
[18:43][Do you mean it when you say from scratch?]
[20:30][Why do you need windows.h?]
[21:40][Thoughts/Rant on C++ STL?]
[23:30][Thoughts on the subjectivism and the awesomeness of diversity]
[26:13][Gfx all by ourselves?]
[27:00][What type of game? (Secret for now other than action/adv)]
[27:20][Is saturated addition like clamp?]
[28:12][Scripting lang? (no)]
[29:12][Netcode? (no)]
[29:45][Deeper. Not wider]
[30:44][How much asm will we be writing?]
[31:00][How are you getting game assets?]
[31:45][Can you talk about the game?]
[32:00][Book to recommend? (no)]
[32:20][GPU? (not at first)]
[33:29][Hard to know what's going on in GPUs. Lots of trade secrets]
[34:04][Why VS and not gcc?]
[35:13][Points out links to archive (meta)]
[36:15][You going to be the game designer? (yep)]
[38:03][Thoughts on Snipers/Defenestration]
[38:44][Are we faster than OpenGL? (no)]
[39:20][How complex will the game be? (quite)]
[40:15][Game plan: force teachable moments by adding a lot of stuff]
[40:46][Release date? (long time from now)]
[41:36][Thoughts on C Runtime Lib]
[43:05][Awesome C metaprogramming tricks? (probably not)]
[43:10][What should I say to friends who don't like your ideas?]
[43:50][Arguing hurts you. Make your life better and don't]
[44:55][How complex will the math be? (not that, pre-college)]
[45:44][Can I skip a few weeks if I know programming?]
[46:38][Can this run on not-windows? \[n.b. check 'coding resources' in above menu\]]