[video member=cmuratori stream_platform=twitch stream_username=handmade_hero project=code title="Adding Boost Pads" vod_platform=youtube id=6GY-9Uia_2g annotator=Miblo]
[1:14][Run the game and demo an unfortunate artifact when transitioning between floors]
[3:20][Consider the current issues with the stairwells in general, and alternative means of transitioning between floors]
[11:56][Determine to implement boost pads]
[13:39][handmade_render_group.h: Remove the concept of a floor apron]
[15:09][handmade_entity.h: Add a traversable_reference AutoBoostTo to the entity struct]
[17:00][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make AddStandardRoom() take LeftHole and RightHole booleans and generate those holes on alternate floors]
[20:33][Run the game and admire the hole]
[21:07][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Determine to enable AddStandardRoom() to generate boost pads between floors]
[23:40][Describe the need for an editable room, without the sim and the apron, and consider how to go about making that]
[28:34][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make PlayWorld() start the player off at the last screen created]
[30:33][Run the game and see that we're starting off on top]
[32:12][Blackboard: Linking floors with teleporters]
[33:01][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Enable PlayWorld() to link holes to locations on the floor below]
[36:24][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Enable AddStandardRoom() to generate teleportation points between those locations]
[38:32][handmade_entity.cpp: Make UpdateAndRenderEntities() colour the boost pads]
[41:00][Run the game, see no boost pads and investigate why]
[44:15][handmade_world.cpp: Make PackEntityIntoChunk() and ConnectEntityPoints() operate on the AutoBoostTo]
[44:47][Run the game and see that the boost pad is set]
[45:07][handmade_world_mode.cpp: Make AddStandardRoom() position the boost pad at the top-left of the hole]
[47:16][@internal_static_void][About my first question, will I be able to view it again, because I was really interested about your answer?]
[47:49][@arigato_corleone][Are you using entity component system architecture or different?]
[49:33][@hida_akano][Have you come up with a story for the game yet?]
[49:45][@dr_s80][I recall when you were writing the head / body behavior code you wanted to ensure the player always had control of the head. Is this "auto-hopping" going to interfere with that?]
[50:46][@sean_bryant][Can the player fall in the hole versus jumping on purposes?]
[51:00][@longboolean][In theory could these jump pads be on the same level and used like the jump pads in Portal 2?]
[52:01][@torgdor][Will multi-part entities like the snake be able to go through holes?]
[53:35][@arigato_corleone][What are your thoughts on voxel rendering and / or ray tracing?]
[57:19][@dr_s80][Regarding head / body, the player controls the head onto the jump pad, but then the game needs to animate both the head and body down, right? I thought so far the head was always responsive to player input (not tied to an animation), and the body just followed. Sorry, I may not be explaining clearly]
[58:36][@internal_static_void][Opinion on Vulkan, other than it being really hard?]
[1:00:11][@zilarrezko][How are holes and teleport pads going to help us find The Variable?]
[1:01:06][@arigato_corleone][Any tips for someone interested in game engines considering getting into the games industry?]
[1:01:46][@thestraubulous][Do you have a set streaming schedule?]
[1:01:56][Go right into mentioning the streaming schedule][:speech]