#include #include double remquo(double x, double y, int *quo) { union {double f; uint64_t i;} ux = {x}, uy = {y}; int ex = ux.i>>52 & 0x7ff; int ey = uy.i>>52 & 0x7ff; int sx = ux.i>>63; int sy = uy.i>>63; uint32_t q; uint64_t i; uint64_t uxi = ux.i; *quo = 0; if (uy.i<<1 == 0 || isnan(y) || ex == 0x7ff) return (x*y)/(x*y); if (ux.i<<1 == 0) return x; /* normalize x and y */ if (!ex) { for (i = uxi<<12; i>>63 == 0; ex--, i <<= 1); uxi <<= -ex + 1; } else { uxi &= -1ULL >> 12; uxi |= 1ULL << 52; } if (!ey) { for (i = uy.i<<12; i>>63 == 0; ey--, i <<= 1); uy.i <<= -ey + 1; } else { uy.i &= -1ULL >> 12; uy.i |= 1ULL << 52; } q = 0; if (ex < ey) { if (ex+1 == ey) goto end; return x; } /* x mod y */ for (; ex > ey; ex--) { i = uxi - uy.i; if (i >> 63 == 0) { uxi = i; q++; } uxi <<= 1; q <<= 1; } i = uxi - uy.i; if (i >> 63 == 0) { uxi = i; q++; } if (uxi == 0) ex = -60; else for (; uxi>>52 == 0; uxi <<= 1, ex--); end: /* scale result and decide between |x| and |x|-|y| */ if (ex > 0) { uxi -= 1ULL << 52; uxi |= (uint64_t)ex << 52; } else { uxi >>= -ex + 1; } ux.i = uxi; x = ux.f; if (sy) y = -y; if (ex == ey || (ex+1 == ey && (2*x > y || (2*x == y && q%2)))) { x -= y; q++; } q &= 0x7fffffff; *quo = sx^sy ? -(int)q : (int)q; return sx ? -x : x; } float remquof(float x, float y, int *quo) { union {float f; uint32_t i;} ux = {x}, uy = {y}; int ex = ux.i>>23 & 0xff; int ey = uy.i>>23 & 0xff; int sx = ux.i>>31; int sy = uy.i>>31; uint32_t q; uint32_t i; uint32_t uxi = ux.i; *quo = 0; if (uy.i<<1 == 0 || isnan(y) || ex == 0xff) return (x*y)/(x*y); if (ux.i<<1 == 0) return x; /* normalize x and y */ if (!ex) { for (i = uxi<<9; i>>31 == 0; ex--, i <<= 1); uxi <<= -ex + 1; } else { uxi &= -1U >> 9; uxi |= 1U << 23; } if (!ey) { for (i = uy.i<<9; i>>31 == 0; ey--, i <<= 1); uy.i <<= -ey + 1; } else { uy.i &= -1U >> 9; uy.i |= 1U << 23; } q = 0; if (ex < ey) { if (ex+1 == ey) goto end; return x; } /* x mod y */ for (; ex > ey; ex--) { i = uxi - uy.i; if (i >> 31 == 0) { uxi = i; q++; } uxi <<= 1; q <<= 1; } i = uxi - uy.i; if (i >> 31 == 0) { uxi = i; q++; } if (uxi == 0) ex = -30; else for (; uxi>>23 == 0; uxi <<= 1, ex--); end: /* scale result and decide between |x| and |x|-|y| */ if (ex > 0) { uxi -= 1U << 23; uxi |= (uint32_t)ex << 23; } else { uxi >>= -ex + 1; } ux.i = uxi; x = ux.f; if (sy) y = -y; if (ex == ey || (ex+1 == ey && (2*x > y || (2*x == y && q%2)))) { x -= y; q++; } q &= 0x7fffffff; *quo = sx^sy ? -(int)q : (int)q; return sx ? -x : x; } long double remquol(long double x, long double y, int *quo) { return remquo(x, y, quo); } double remainder(double x, double y) { int q; return remquo(x, y, &q); } float remainderf(float x, float y) { int q; return remquof(x, y, &q); } long double remainderl(long double x, long double y) { return remainder(x, y); } double modf(double x, double *iptr) { union {double f; uint64_t i;} u = {x}; uint64_t mask; int e = (int)(u.i>>52 & 0x7ff) - 0x3ff; /* no fractional part */ if (e >= 52) { *iptr = x; if (e == 0x400 && u.i<<12 != 0) /* nan */ return x; u.i &= 1ULL<<63; return u.f; } /* no integral part*/ if (e < 0) { u.i &= 1ULL<<63; *iptr = u.f; return x; } mask = -1ULL>>12>>e; if ((u.i & mask) == 0) { *iptr = x; u.i &= 1ULL<<63; return u.f; } u.i &= ~mask; *iptr = u.f; return x - u.f; } float modff(float x, float *iptr) { union {float f; uint32_t i;} u = {x}; uint32_t mask; int e = (int)(u.i>>23 & 0xff) - 0x7f; /* no fractional part */ if (e >= 23) { *iptr = x; if (e == 0x80 && u.i<<9 != 0) { /* nan */ return x; } u.i &= 0x80000000; return u.f; } /* no integral part */ if (e < 0) { u.i &= 0x80000000; *iptr = u.f; return x; } mask = 0x007fffff>>e; if ((u.i & mask) == 0) { *iptr = x; u.i &= 0x80000000; return u.f; } u.i &= ~mask; *iptr = u.f; return x - u.f; } long double modfl(long double x, long double *iptr) { double d; long double r = modf(x, &d); *iptr = d; return r; }