#include #include #include #include #include #include // TODO: strto*: locale-based parsing // TODO: correctly rounded base 16 floats parsing // Call me weak if you want but I'm actually too lazy to type // them out every time, also they take up a lot of horiz space. typedef long long intll; typedef long intl; typedef unsigned long long intull; typedef unsigned long intul; typedef unsigned intu; #define inrange(start, c, end) ((start) <= (c) && (c) <= (end)) static bool isbase(int c, int base) { int val; if(isdigit(c)) { val = c-'0'; } else if(islower(c)) { val = c-'a'+10; } else if(isupper(c)) { val = c-'A'+10; } else { return false; } return val < base; } static bool strprefix_i(char const *restrict str, char const *restrict prefix) { while(*prefix != 0) { if(*str == 0) break; if(toupper(*str) != toupper(*prefix)) return false; ++prefix; ++str; } return true; } // Called only when isbase(c, base) for some base in range static long todigit(int c) { int val; if(isdigit(c)) { val = c-'0'; } else if(islower(c)) { val = c-'a'+10; } else if(isupper(c)) { val = c-'A'+10; } return val; } static intull strtoi_generic(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int inbase, intl *coefptr, intull int_max) { const char *restrict str = nptr; intull value = 0; int digits_read = 0; bool is_signed = (coefptr != NULL); // Find max{abs(int)}. Signed integers have negative, // whose absolute value is 1 bigger than int_max. intull int_abs_max = int_max; if(is_signed) { ++int_abs_max; } if(!inrange(0, inbase, 36)) { goto finish; } intull base = (intull)inbase; // Skip space on the beginning while(isspace(*str)) { ++str; } // Parse sign intl coef = 1; if(is_signed) { if(*str == '-') { coef = -1; ++str; } } if(*str == '+') { ++str; } // See if we need to parse base in C-like format // then set the base accordingly if(strprefix_i(str, "0X")) { ++str; if(base == 16 || base == 0) { ++str; base = 16; } else { goto finish; } } else if(*str == '0') { ++str; ++digits_read; if(base == 8 || base == 0) { base = 8; } } // Parse the string of digits in the given base. If the value // exceeds abs(int_min) we exit with range error. while(isbase(*str, (int)base)) { intull digit = (intull)todigit(*str); if(value > (int_abs_max - digit)/base) { goto error_out_of_range; } value = base*value + digit; ++str; ++digits_read; } // We only allow the modulo of value equal to abs(int_min) if it is // preceeded by the minus sign. if(is_signed) { if(value == int_abs_max && coef != -1) { goto error_out_of_range; } } goto finish; error_out_of_range: // Skip the remainder of the subject string while(isbase(*str, (int)base)) { ++str; } errno = ERANGE; value = int_max; goto finish; finish: // If no conversion is performed we return the value of 0 and *endptr // is set to the nptr. bool conv_performed = (digits_read > 0); if(!conv_performed) { value = 0; } if(endptr != NULL) { if(!conv_performed) { *endptr = (char *)nptr; } else { *endptr = (char *)str; } } *coefptr = coef; return value; } static double strtod_generic(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr) { const char *restrict str = nptr; bool conv_performed = false; double value = 0.0; double coef = 1.0; // Skip space on the beginning while(isspace(*str)) { ++str; } // Check for inf and nan if(strprefix_i(str, "INF")) { str += sizeof "INF"-1; value = HUGE_VAL; conv_performed = true; goto finish; } if(strprefix_i(str, "INFINITY")) { str += sizeof "INFINITY"-1; value = HUGE_VAL; conv_performed = true; goto finish; } if(strprefix_i(str, "NAN")) { str += sizeof "NAN"-1; value = NAN; conv_performed = true; if(*str == '(') { while(*str != ')') { ++str; } ++str; } goto finish; } // Parse C float if(*str == '+') { ++str; } else if(*str == '-') { coef = -1.; ++str; } int base = 10; if(strprefix_i(str, "0X")) { str += sizeof "0X"-1; base = 16; } // Parse the whole part while(isbase(*str, base)) { long digit = todigit(*str); value = 10.0*value + (double)digit; ++str; } if(*str != '.') { value = 0.0; goto finish; } ++str; // Parse the fractional part long exp = 1; while(isbase(*str, base)) { long digit = todigit(*str); double fract = (double)digit; long cexp = exp; while(cexp-- != 0) { fract /= (double)base; } value += fract; ++exp; ++str; } // Parse the exponent if((base == 10 && strprefix_i(str, "E")) || (base == 16 && strprefix_i(str, "P"))) { ++str; long exp = 0; long exp_coef = 1; if(*str == '+') { ++str; } else if(*str == '-') { exp_coef = -1; ++str; } while(isdigit(*str)) { exp = 10*exp + (long)(*str-'0'); ++str; } if(exp_coef == 1) { while(exp--!=0) value = value * base; } else if(exp_coef == -1) { while(exp--!=0) value = value / base; } } if(!isfinite(value)) { errno = ERANGE; value = coef*HUGE_VAL; } conv_performed = true; finish: if(endptr != NULL) { if(conv_performed) { *endptr = (char *)str; } else { *endptr = (char *)nptr; } } return coef*value; } intl strtol(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base) { intull int_max = (intull)LONG_MAX; intl coef; intull modulo = strtoi_generic(nptr, endptr, base, &coef, int_max); intl value; if(modulo == int_max) { value = LONG_MIN; } else { value = coef * (intl)modulo; } return value; } intll strtoll(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base) { intull int_max = (intull)LLONG_MAX; intl coef; intull modulo = strtoi_generic(nptr, endptr, base, &coef, int_max); intll value; if(modulo == int_max) { value = LLONG_MIN; } else { value = (intll)coef * (intll)modulo; } return value; } intul strtoul(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base) { intull int_max = (intull)ULONG_MAX; intull value = strtoi_generic(nptr, endptr, base, NULL, int_max); return (intul)value; } intull strtoull(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base) { intull int_max = (intull)ULLONG_MAX; return strtoi_generic(nptr, endptr, base, NULL, int_max); } double atof(const char *nptr) { return strtod(nptr, (char **)NULL); } int atoi(const char *nptr) { return (int)strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10); } long int atol(const char *nptr) { return strtol(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10); } long long int atoll(const char *nptr) { return strtoll(nptr, (char **)NULL, 10); } double strtod(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr) { return strtod_generic(nptr, endptr); } float strtof(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr) { return (float)strtod_generic(nptr, endptr); } long double strtold(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr) { return (long double)strtod_generic(nptr, endptr); }