#line 3 "w:/workspace/cuik/crt/include/xmmintrin.h" /* line 3 */ typedef _Vector ( float , 4 ) __m128 ; /* line 4 */ typedef _Vector ( unsigned char , 16 ) __m128i ; /* line 7 */ float __builtin_ia32_sqrtss ( __m128 a ) ; /* line 8 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_sqrtps ( __m128 a ) ; /* line 9 */ float __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss ( __m128 a ) ; /* line 10 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps ( __m128 a ) ; /* line 11 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_rcpss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) ; /* line 12 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_rcpps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) ; /* line 13 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_minss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) ; /* line 14 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_minps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) ; /* line 15 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_maxss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) ; /* line 16 */ __m128 __builtin_ia32_maxps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) ; /* line 18 */ static inline __m128 _mm_add_ss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { /* line 19 */ a [ 0 ] += b [ 0 ] ; /* line 20 */ return a ; /* line 21 */ } /* line 23 */ static inline __m128 _mm_sub_ss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { /* line 24 */ a [ 0 ] -= b [ 0 ] ; /* line 25 */ return a ; /* line 26 */ } /* line 28 */ static inline __m128 _mm_mul_ss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { /* line 29 */ a [ 0 ] *= b [ 0 ] ; /* line 30 */ return a ; /* line 31 */ } /* line 33 */ static inline __m128 _mm_div_ss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { /* line 34 */ a [ 0 ] /= b [ 0 ] ; /* line 35 */ return a ; /* line 36 */ } /* line 38 */ static inline __m128 _mm_add_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a + b ; } /* line 39 */ static inline __m128 _mm_sub_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a - b ; } /* line 40 */ static inline __m128 _mm_mul_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a * b ; } /* line 41 */ static inline __m128 _mm_div_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a / b ; } /* line 42 */ static inline __m128 _mm_and_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a & b ; } /* line 43 */ static inline __m128 _mm_or_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a | b ; } /* line 44 */ static inline __m128 _mm_xor_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return a ^ b ; } /* line 45 */ static inline __m128 _mm_andnot_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return ~ ( a & b ) ; } /* line 47 */ static inline __m128 _mm_sqrt_ss ( __m128 a ) { return ( __m128 ) __builtin_ia32_sqrtss ( a ) ; } /* line 48 */ static inline __m128 _mm_sqrt_ps ( __m128 a ) { return __builtin_ia32_sqrtps ( a ) ; } /* line 50 */ static inline __m128 _mm_rsqrt_ss ( __m128 a ) { return ( __m128 ) __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss ( a ) ; } /* line 51 */ static inline __m128 _mm_rsqrt_ps ( __m128 a ) { return __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps ( a ) ; } /* line 53 */ static inline __m128 _mm_rcp_ss ( __m128 a ) { return ( __m128 ) __builtin_ia32_rcpss ( a ) ; } /* line 54 */ static inline __m128 _mm_rcp_ps ( __m128 a ) { return __builtin_ia32_rcpps ( a ) ; } /* line 56 */ static inline __m128 _mm_min_ss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return __builtin_ia32_minss ( a , b ) ; } /* line 57 */ static inline __m128 _mm_min_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return __builtin_ia32_minps ( a , b ) ; } /* line 58 */ static inline __m128 _mm_max_ss ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return __builtin_ia32_maxss ( a , b ) ; } /* line 59 */ static inline __m128 _mm_max_ps ( __m128 a , __m128 b ) { return __builtin_ia32_maxps ( a , b ) ; } /* line 61 */ static inline __m128 _mm_setr_ps ( float z , float y , float x , float w ) { return ( __m128 ) { z , y , x , w } ; } /* line 62 */ static inline __m128 _mm_setzero_ps ( void ) { return ( __m128 ) { 0 } ; } /* line 65 */ static inline __m128i _mm_loadu_si128 ( const __m128i * src ) { return * src ; } /* line 66 */ static inline __m128i _mm_load_si128 ( const __m128i * src ) { return * src ; } /* line 67 */ static inline void _mm_store_si128 ( __m128i * dst , __m128i src ) { * dst = src ; } #line 3 "w:/workspace/cuik/crt/include/intrin.h" /* line 3 */ extern void __debugbreak ( void ) ; #line 5 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/assert.h" /* line 5 */ extern void _assert_error ( /* line 6 */ char * cond , /* line 7 */ char const * func , /* line 8 */ char const * file , /* line 9 */ char const * line /* line 10 */ ) ; #line 3 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/ctype.h" /* line 3 */ int isalnum ( int c ) ; /* line 4 */ int isalpha ( int c ) ; /* line 5 */ int isblank ( int c ) ; /* line 6 */ int iscntrl ( int c ) ; /* line 7 */ int isdigit ( int c ) ; /* line 8 */ int isgraph ( int c ) ; /* line 9 */ int islower ( int c ) ; /* line 10 */ int isprint ( int c ) ; /* line 11 */ int ispunct ( int c ) ; /* line 12 */ int isspace ( int c ) ; /* line 13 */ int isupper ( int c ) ; /* line 14 */ int isxdigit ( int c ) ; /* line 15 */ int tolower ( int c ) ; /* line 16 */ int toupper ( int c ) ; #line 3 "w:/workspace/cuik/crt/include/stdint.h" /* line 3 */ typedef signed char int8_t ; /* line 4 */ typedef short int16_t ; /* line 5 */ typedef int int32_t ; /* line 6 */ typedef long long int64_t ; /* line 7 */ typedef unsigned char uint8_t ; /* line 8 */ typedef unsigned short uint16_t ; /* line 9 */ typedef unsigned int uint32_t ; /* line 10 */ typedef unsigned long long uint64_t ; /* line 12 */ typedef signed char int_least8_t ; /* line 13 */ typedef short int_least16_t ; /* line 14 */ typedef int int_least32_t ; /* line 15 */ typedef long long int_least64_t ; /* line 16 */ typedef unsigned char uint_least8_t ; /* line 17 */ typedef unsigned short uint_least16_t ; /* line 18 */ typedef unsigned int uint_least32_t ; /* line 19 */ typedef unsigned long long uint_least64_t ; /* line 21 */ typedef signed char int_fast8_t ; /* line 22 */ typedef int int_fast16_t ; /* line 23 */ typedef int int_fast32_t ; /* line 24 */ typedef long long int_fast64_t ; /* line 25 */ typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t ; /* line 26 */ typedef unsigned int uint_fast16_t ; /* line 27 */ typedef unsigned int uint_fast32_t ; /* line 28 */ typedef unsigned long long uint_fast64_t ; /* line 30 */ typedef long long intmax_t ; /* line 31 */ typedef unsigned long long uintmax_t ; #line 3 "w:/workspace/cuik/crt/include/stdarg.h" /* line 3 */ typedef char * va_list ; #line 6 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/stdio.h" /* line 6 */ typedef struct FILE FILE ; /* line 7 */ typedef int64_t fpos_t ; /* line 9 */ typedef struct div_t div_t ; /* line 10 */ typedef struct ldiv_t ldiv_t ; /* line 11 */ typedef struct lldiv_t lldiv_t ; /* line 19 */ typedef int errno_t ; /* line 20 */ typedef size_t rsize_t ; /* line 57 */ extern FILE * stdout , * stderr , * stdin ; /* line 59 */ int remove ( const char * filename ) ; /* line 60 */ int rename ( const char * oldname , const char * newname ) ; /* line 61 */ FILE * tmpfile ( void ) ; /* line 62 */ char * tmpnam ( char * s ) ; /* line 63 */ int fclose ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 64 */ int fflush ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 65 */ FILE * fopen ( const char * restrict filename , const char * restrict mode ) ; /* line 66 */ FILE * freopen ( const char * restrict filename , const char * restrict mode , FILE * restrict stream ) ; /* line 67 */ void setbuf ( FILE * restrict stream , char * restrict buf ) ; /* line 68 */ int setvbuf ( FILE * restrict stream , char * restrict buf , int mode , size_t size ) ; /* line 69 */ int fprintf ( FILE * restrict stream , const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 70 */ int fscanf ( FILE * restrict stream , const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 71 */ int printf ( const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 72 */ int scanf ( const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 73 */ int snprintf ( char * restrict s , size_t n , const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 74 */ int sprintf ( char * restrict s , const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 75 */ int sscanf ( const char * restrict s , const char * restrict format , ... ) ; /* line 76 */ int vfprintf ( FILE * restrict stream , const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 77 */ int vfscanf ( FILE * restrict stream , const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 78 */ int vprintf ( const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 79 */ int vscanf ( const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 80 */ int vsnprintf ( char * restrict s , size_t n , const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 81 */ int vsprintf ( char * restrict s , const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 82 */ int vsscanf ( const char * restrict s , const char * restrict format , va_list arg ) ; /* line 83 */ int fgetc ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 84 */ char * fgets ( char * restrict s , int n , FILE * restrict stream ) ; /* line 85 */ int fputc ( int c , FILE * stream ) ; /* line 86 */ int fputs ( const char * restrict s , FILE * restrict stream ) ; /* line 87 */ int getc ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 88 */ int getchar ( void ) ; /* line 89 */ int putc ( int c , FILE * stream ) ; /* line 90 */ int putchar ( int c ) ; /* line 91 */ int puts ( const char * s ) ; /* line 92 */ int ungetc ( int c , FILE * stream ) ; /* line 93 */ size_t fread ( void * restrict ptr , size_t size , size_t nmemb , FILE * restrict stream ) ; /* line 94 */ size_t fwrite ( const void * restrict ptr , size_t size , size_t nmemb , FILE * restrict stream ) ; /* line 95 */ int fgetpos ( FILE * restrict stream , fpos_t * restrict pos ) ; /* line 96 */ int fseek ( FILE * stream , long int offset , int whence ) ; /* line 97 */ int fsetpos ( FILE * stream , const fpos_t * pos ) ; /* line 98 */ long int ftell ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 99 */ void rewind ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 100 */ void clearerr ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 101 */ int feof ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 102 */ int ferror ( FILE * stream ) ; /* line 103 */ void perror ( const char * s ) ; #line 13 "w:/workspace/cuik/crt/include/stddef.h" /* line 13 */ typedef long long ptrdiff_t ; /* line 14 */ typedef unsigned long long size_t ; /* line 15 */ typedef long double max_align_t ; /* line 18 */ typedef short wchar_t ; #line 18 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/stdlib.h" typedef struct div_t { /* line 19 */ int quot ; /* line 20 */ int rem ; /* line 21 */ } div_t ; /* line 23 */ typedef struct ldiv_t { /* line 24 */ long quot ; /* line 25 */ long rem ; /* line 26 */ } ldiv_t ; /* line 28 */ typedef struct lldiv_t { /* line 29 */ long long quot ; /* line 30 */ long long rem ; /* line 31 */ } lldiv_t ; /* line 44 */ double atof ( const char * nptr ) ; /* line 45 */ int atoi ( const char * nptr ) ; /* line 46 */ long int atol ( const char * nptr ) ; /* line 47 */ long long int atoll ( const char * nptr ) ; /* line 48 */ double strtod ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr ) ; /* line 49 */ float strtof ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr ) ; /* line 50 */ long double strtold ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr ) ; /* line 51 */ long int strtol ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr , int base ) ; /* line 52 */ long long int strtoll ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr , int base ) ; /* line 53 */ unsigned long int strtoul ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr , int base ) ; /* line 54 */ unsigned long long int strtoull ( const char * restrict nptr , char * * restrict endptr , int base ) ; /* line 55 */ int rand ( void ) ; /* line 56 */ void srand ( unsigned int seed ) ; /* line 58 */ typedef struct _os_heap _os_heap ; /* line 59 */ void _heap_setup ( _os_heap * heap ) ; /* line 60 */ void * aligned_alloc ( size_t alignment , size_t size ) ; /* line 61 */ void * calloc ( size_t nmemb , size_t size ) ; /* line 62 */ void free ( void * ptr ) ; /* line 63 */ void * malloc ( size_t size ) ; /* line 64 */ void * realloc ( void * ptr , size_t size ) ; /* line 66 */ _Noreturn void abort ( void ) ; /* line 67 */ int atexit ( void ( * func ) ( void ) ) ; /* line 69 */ _Noreturn void exit ( int status ) ; /* line 70 */ _Noreturn void _Exit ( int status ) ; /* line 71 */ char * getenv ( const char * name ) ; /* line 73 */ int system ( const char * string ) ; /* line 74 */ const void * bsearch ( const void * key , const void * base , size_t nmemb , size_t size , int ( * compar ) ( const void * , const void * ) ) ; #line 9 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/errno.h" /* line 9 */ extern int errno ; #line 708 "w:/windows kits/10/include/10.0.22000.0/shared/sal.h" /* line 708 */ _Pragma ( "region Input Buffer SAL 1 compatibility macros" ) /* line 1472 */ _Pragma ( "endregion Input Buffer SAL 1 compatibility macros" ) #line 15 "w:/visual studio/2019/community/vc/tools/msvc/14.29.30133/include/vadefs.h" /* line 15 */ _Pragma ( "pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)" ) /* line 47 */ _Pragma ( "warning(push)" ) /* line 48 */ _Pragma ( "warning(disable: _VCRUNTIME_DISABLED_WARNINGS)" ) /* line 61 */ typedef unsigned /* line 1 */ long long /* line 61 */ uintptr_t ; /* line 72 */ typedef char * va_list ; /* line 155 */ void __cdecl __va_start ( va_list * , ... ) ; /* line 207 */ _Pragma ( "warning(pop)" ) /* line 208 */ _Pragma ( "pack(pop)" ) #line 60 "w:/visual studio/2019/community/vc/tools/msvc/14.29.30133/include/vcruntime.h" /* line 60 */ _Pragma ( "warning(push)" ) /* line 61 */ _Pragma ( "warning(disable: _VCRUNTIME_DISABLED_WARNINGS)" ) /* line 1 */ _Pragma ( "pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)" ) /* line 193 */ typedef unsigned /* line 1 */ long long /* line 193 */ size_t ; /* line 194 */ typedef /* line 1 */ long long /* line 194 */ ptrdiff_t ; /* line 195 */ typedef /* line 1 */ long long /* line 195 */ intptr_t ; /* line 209 */ typedef _Bool __vcrt_bool ; /* line 228 */ typedef unsigned short wchar_t ; /* line 342 */ void __cdecl __security_init_cookie ( void ) ; /* line 351 */ void __cdecl __security_check_cookie ( uintptr_t _StackCookie ) ; /* line 352 */ __declspec ( noreturn ) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure ( uintptr_t _StackCookie ) ; /* line 356 */ extern uintptr_t __security_cookie ; /* line 1 */ _Pragma ( "pack(pop)" ) /* line 366 */ _Pragma ( "warning(pop)" ) #line 13 "w:/visual studio/2019/community/vc/tools/msvc/14.29.30133/include/limits.h" /* line 13 */ _Pragma ( "warning(push)" ) /* line 14 */ _Pragma ( "warning(disable: _VCRUNTIME_DISABLED_WARNINGS)" ) /* line 1 */ _Pragma ( "pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)" ) _Pragma ( "pack(pop)" ) /* line 78 */ _Pragma ( "warning(pop)" ) #line 27 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/string.h" /* line 27 */ void * memcpy ( void * restrict s1 , const void * restrict s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 28 */ void * memmove ( void * s1 , const void * s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 29 */ char * strcpy ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 ) ; /* line 30 */ char * strncpy ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 31 */ char * strcat ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 ) ; /* line 32 */ char * strncat ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 33 */ int memcmp ( const void * s1 , const void * s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 34 */ int strcmp ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) ; /* line 35 */ int strcoll ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) ; /* line 36 */ int strncmp ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 37 */ size_t strxfrm ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 , size_t n ) ; /* line 38 */ void * memchr ( const void * s , int c , size_t n ) ; /* line 39 */ char * strchr ( const char * s , int c ) ; /* line 40 */ size_t strcspn ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) ; /* line 41 */ char * strpbrk ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) ; /* line 42 */ char * strrchr ( const char * s , int c ) ; /* line 43 */ size_t strspn ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) ; /* line 44 */ char * strstr ( const char * s1 , const char * s2 ) ; /* line 45 */ char * strtok ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 ) ; /* line 46 */ void * memset ( void * s , int c , size_t n ) ; /* line 47 */ char * strerror ( int errnum ) ; /* line 48 */ size_t strlen ( const char * s ) ; /* line 51 */ char * strtok_r ( char * restrict s1 , const char * restrict s2 , char * * restrict ctx ) ; #line 4 "w:/workspace/ciabatta/inc/signal.h" /* line 4 */ typedef int sig_atomic_t ; /* line 25 */ void ( * signal ( int sig , void ( * func ) ( int ) ) ) ( int ) ; /* line 26 */ int raise ( int sig ) ; #line 13 "test/test.c" /* line 13 */ int test ( ) { /* line 14 */ static int a = 2 ; /* line 15 */ a += 1 ; /* line 16 */ return a ; /* line 17 */ } /* line 19 */ void wack ( ) { /* line 20 */ printf ( "BYE!!!\n" ) ; /* line 21 */ } /* line 23 */ int main ( int argc , char * * argv ) { /* line 24 */ atexit ( wack ) ; /* line 26 */ char * path_env = getenv ( "PATH" ) ; /* line 27 */ char * ctx , * path_token = strtok_r ( path_env , ";" , & ctx ) ; /* line 28 */ while ( path_token ) { /* line 29 */ printf ( "%s\n" , path_token ) ; /* line 30 */ path_token = strtok_r ( /* line 1 */ ( ( void * ) 0 ) /* line 30 */ , ";" , & ctx ) ; /* line 31 */ } /* line 33 */ test ( ) ; /* line 34 */ char input [ ] = "A bird came down the walk" ; /* line 35 */ printf ( "Parsing the input string '%s'\n" , input ) ; /* line 36 */ char * token = strtok ( input , " " ) ; /* line 37 */ while ( token ) { /* line 38 */ printf ( "%s\n" , token ) ; /* line 39 */ token = strtok ( /* line 1 */ ( ( void * ) 0 ) /* line 39 */ , " " ) ; /* line 40 */ } /* line 42 */ printf ( "Contents of the input string now: '" ) ; /* line 43 */ for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < sizeof input ; ++ n ) /* line 44 */ input [ n ] ? printf ( "%c" , input [ n ] ) : printf ( "\\0" ) ; /* line 45 */ printf ( "'" ) ; /* line 46 */ return 0 ; /* line 47 */ } /* line 1 */