# ctype.h - Classification of ASCII characters Function declarations: - [isalnum](#isalnum) - [isalpha](#isalpha) - [isblank](#isblank) - [iscntrl](#iscntrl) - [isdigit](#isdigit) - [isgraph](#isgraph) - [islower](#islower) - [isprint](#isprint) - [ispunct](#ispunct) - [isspace](#isspace) - [isupper](#isupper) - [isxdigit](#isxdigit) - [tolower](#tolower) - [toupper](#toupper) ## [isalnum](#isalnum)
Description Function checks whether given integer is an ASCII code representing a letter or a digit. These characters are lowercase letters ('a'..'z'), uppercase letters ('A'..'Z') and digits ('0'..'9').
Declaration ```c int isalnum(int c); ```
## [isalpha](#isalpha)
Description Function checks whether given integer is an ASCII code representing a letter. These characters are lowercase letters ('a'..'z') and uppercase letters.
Declaration ```c int isalpha(int c); ```
## [isblank](#isblank)
Description Checks whether a character is a space (' ') or a horizontal tab ('\t')
Declaration ```c int isblank(int c); ```
## [iscntrl](#iscntrl)
Description Checks whether a character is a control character ('\x00' through '\x1f' and '\x7f').
Declaration ```c int iscntrl(int c); ```
## [isdigit](#isdigit)
Description Checks whether a character is a digit ('0' through '9')
Declaration ```c int isdigit(int c); ```
## [isxdigit](#isxdigit)
Description Checks whether a character is a hexadecimal digit ('0' through '9', 'a' through 'f' or 'A' through 'F')
Declaration ```c int isxdigit(int c); ```
## [isgraph](#isgraph)
Description Checks whether a character is a - Number; - Letter; - or punctuation
Declaration ```c int isgraph(int c); ```
## [islower](#islower)
Description Checks whether a character is a lowercase letter ('a' through 'z')
Declaration ```c int islower(int c); ```
## [isupper](#isupper)
Description Checks whether a character is a uppercase letter ('A' through 'Z')
Declaration ```c int islower(int c); ```
## [isprint](#isprint)
Description Checks whether a character is a - Number; - Letter; - Space; - or punctuation
Declaration ```c int isprint(int c); ```
## [ispunct](#ispunct)
Description Checks whether a character is a punctuation character (one of `!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_{|}~` or backtick).
Declaration ```c int ispunct(int c); ```
## [isspace](#isspace)
Description Function checks whether given integer is a whitespace character. These characters include whitespace (' '), form feed ('\f'), line feed ('\n'), carriage return ('\r'), horizontal and vertical tab ('\t' and '\v').
Declaration ```c int isspace(int c); ```
## [tolower](#tolower)
Description If the character is an uppercase letter returns lowercase version of it. Otherwise returns the character unmodified.
Declaration ```c int tolower(int c); ```
## [toupper](#toupper)
Description If the character is an lowercase letter returns uppercase version of it. Otherwise returns the character unmodified.
Declaration ```c int toupper(int c); ```