ABOUT Ciabatta - An implementation of CRT for x86-64 windows and linux platforms. What are the advantages over using your default CRT? I dunno but you can if you want. I haven't ran any benchmarks or verified compliance yet, so use at your own risk. Some functionality is way more sexier than your normal-ass CRT tho, so you might consider switching. USAGE In order to build the library you need to have clang installed. Download the source code, then run bake.cmd. Copy `ciabatta.lib` to a good place in your project. Don't forget to include ciabatta's include directory: /I inc (MSVC CL) -I inc (Clang) For MSVC LINK add the following arguments: /nodefaultlibs ciabatta.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib Link flags for average copy-paste enjoyers: /nodefaultlibs ciabatta.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib shell32.lib (TODO: usage for clang) CONTRIBUTING Pull requests are always welcome. LICENCE TBD