#include #pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "DbgHelp.lib") static void _print_stack_trace() { HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess(); SymInitialize(process, NULL, TRUE); void *stack[128]; USHORT frames = CaptureStackBackTrace(2, 128, stack, NULL); SYMBOL_INFO* symbol = calloc(sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO)+256, 1); symbol->MaxNameLen = 255; symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); for(size_t i = 0; i < frames; i++) { SymFromAddr(process, (DWORD64)stack[i], 0, symbol); // if(strcmp(symbol->Name, "BaseThreadInitThunk") == 0) break; // if(strcmp(symbol->Name, "mainCRTStartup") == 0) break; printf(//" %u: 0x%"PRIx64" (%s)\n", " %d: %s\n", (int)(frames-i-1), //symbol->Address, symbol->Name ); } free(symbol); } void _assert( char const *cond, char const *func, char const *file, int line ) { if(GetConsoleWindow() == NULL) { // For GUI application we display the info into a messagebox char buf[1024]; int i = 0; i += snprintf(buf+i, sizeof buf-i, "Assertion failed: %s\n", cond); i += snprintf(buf+i, sizeof buf-i, " Function: %s\n", func); i += snprintf(buf+i, sizeof buf-i, " File: %s\n", file); i += snprintf(buf+i, sizeof buf-i, " Line: %d\n", line); display_msg: int reaction = MessageBoxA(NULL, buf, "Assertion Failed", 0x00000032L); switch(reaction) { case IDABORT: abort(); case IDRETRY: goto display_msg; case IDCONTINUE: return; } } else { // For console application we print the info to console printf("Assertion failed: %s\n", cond); printf(" Function: %s\n", func); printf(" File: %s\n", file); printf(" Line: %d\n", line); printf("Trace:\n"); _print_stack_trace(); abort(); } }