// NOTE: debug mutexes will follow the recursive logic but error if they // actually recurse, this is slower than doing plain logic but it helps // debug weird mutex errors. // // Based on these posts: // https://preshing.com/20120305/implementing-a-recursive-mutex/ // https://preshing.com/20120226/roll-your-own-lightweight-mutex/ #include #include DWORD _tls_index = 0; void mtx_destroy(mtx_t *mtx) { CloseHandle(mtx->semaphore); } int mtx_init(mtx_t *mtx, int type) { *mtx = (mtx_t){ .type = type, .semaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL) }; if (type == mtx_timed) { // TODO(NeGate): implement timed mutexes return thrd_error; } return thrd_success; } int mtx_lock(mtx_t *mtx) { bool try_recursive = (mtx->type == mtx_recursive); #ifdef _DEBUG try_recursive = true; #endif if (try_recursive) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&mtx->counter, 1, memory_order_acquire) > 1) { if (tid != mtx->owner) { WaitForSingleObject(mtx->semaphore, INFINITE); } else { // we recursive and already locked #ifdef _DEBUG if (mtx->type != mtx_recursive) { return thrd_error; } #endif } } mtx->owner = tid; mtx->recursion++; } else { if (atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&mtx->counter, 1, memory_order_acquire) > 1) { WaitForSingleObject(mtx->semaphore, INFINITE); } } return thrd_success; } int mtx_timedlock(mtx_t *restrict mtx, const struct timespec *restrict ts) { return thrd_error; } int mtx_trylock(mtx_t *mtx) { bool try_recursive = (mtx->type == mtx_recursive); #ifdef _DEBUG try_recursive = true; #endif if (try_recursive) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); // Do we own this mutex on this thread already? if (mtx->owner == tid) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (mtx->type != mtx_recursive) { return thrd_error; } #endif atomic_fetch_add(&mtx->counter, 1); } else { int expected = 1; if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mtx->counter, &expected, 0)) { return thrd_busy; } mtx->owner = tid; } mtx->recursion++; return thrd_success; } else { int expected = 1; if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&mtx->counter, &expected, 0)) { return thrd_busy; } return thrd_success; } } int mtx_unlock(mtx_t *mtx) { bool try_recursive = (mtx->type == mtx_recursive); #if _DEBUG try_recursive = true; #endif if (try_recursive) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); if (tid != mtx->owner) return thrd_error; unsigned long recur = --mtx->recursion; if (recur == 0) { mtx->owner = 0; } if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&mtx->counter, 1, memory_order_release) > 0) { if (recur == 0) ReleaseSemaphore(mtx->semaphore, 1, NULL); else { #ifdef _DEBUG if (mtx->type != mtx_recursive) { return thrd_error; } #endif } } } else { // release? if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&mtx->counter, 1, memory_order_release) > 0) { ReleaseSemaphore(mtx->semaphore, 1, NULL); } } return thrd_success; }