#include "win.h" #include #include #include #include // It's just mapped directly to HANDLE struct FILE { int unused; }; int _os_del_file(char const *filename) { int ok = DeleteFileA(filename); return ok != 0; } int _os_mov_file(char const *old, char const *new) { int ok = MoveFileA(old, new); return ok != 0; } char *_os_tmpname(char *buffer) { static UINT uniq = 0; DWORD path_len = GetTempPathA(L_tmpnam, buffer); if(path_len == 0) return NULL; UINT ok = GetTempFileNameA(buffer, "", uniq, buffer); if(ok == 0) return NULL; return buffer; } FILE *_os_fopen(char const *restrict name, _OS_ModeFlags flags) { DWORD desaddr = 0; DWORD share = 0; DWORD disp = 0; switch(flags.base_mode) { case 'r': { desaddr = GENERIC_READ; if(!flags.update) { share = FILE_SHARE_READ; } disp = OPEN_EXISTING; if(flags.update) { disp = OPEN_ALWAYS; } } break; case 'w': { desaddr = GENERIC_WRITE; disp = CREATE_ALWAYS; } break; case 'a': { desaddr = GENERIC_WRITE; } break; } if(flags.exclusive) { disp = CREATE_NEW; } HANDLE fileHandle = CreateFileA( name, desaddr, share, NULL, disp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); FILE *file = (FILE *)fileHandle; if(fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { file = NULL; } return file; } int _os_fclose(FILE *file) { HANDLE fileHandle = (HANDLE)file; BOOL ok = CloseHandle(fileHandle); return ok != 0; } void _os_file_write(void* ctx, size_t n, const char str[]) { DWORD written = 0; WriteFile((HANDLE) ctx, str, n, &written, NULL); } void _os_file_write_char(void* ctx, char ch) { DWORD written = 0; WriteFile((HANDLE) ctx, &ch, 1, &written, NULL); } int system(const char* string) { int wchars_required = MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, string, -1, NULL, 0); wchar_t* cmd_line = malloc(sizeof(L"cmd.exe ") + (wchars_required * sizeof(wchar_t))); if (cmd_line == NULL) { goto error; } memcpy(cmd_line, L"cmd.exe ", sizeof(L"cmd.exe ")); MultiByteToWideChar(65001 /* UTF8 */, 0, string, -1, cmd_line + sizeof("cmd.exe ") - 1, wchars_required); STARTUPINFOW si = { .cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW), .dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, .hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), .hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), .hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {}; if (!CreateProcessW(NULL, cmd_line, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { goto error; } // Wait until child process exits. WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD exit_code; if (!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code)) { goto error; } // Close process and thread handles. CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); free(cmd_line); return exit_code; error: free(cmd_line); return -1; }