  • Joined on 2021-12-04
bvisness pushed to project-index-rework at hmn/hmn 2023-09-25 07:41:01 +00:00
25cc5ef11b Rework structure of project index. Need new copy.
45b4928d83 Convert db download script to Python
Compare 2 commits »
bvisness pushed to clang-checks at hmn/orca 2023-09-23 22:15:18 +00:00
4bc01ead8d Check for Xcode command-line tools
bvisness closed issue hmn/orca#12 2023-09-23 22:07:35 +00:00
Poor startup time / hitching on M1 MacBook Air
bvisness commented on issue hmn/orca#12 2023-09-23 22:07:34 +00:00
Poor startup time / hitching on M1 MacBook Air

This is pretty good for me now. I'm just gonna close this issue; we can pursue startup performance in more detail later.

bvisness commented on issue hmn/orca#139 2023-09-23 22:07:01 +00:00
Be more careful when exiting batch scripts

This is not true; the /b flag prevents this from occurring. The PATH issue reported by another user must have been from something else - but I am at a loss as to what.

bvisness closed issue hmn/orca#139 2023-09-23 22:07:01 +00:00
Be more careful when exiting batch scripts
bvisness created pull request hmn/orca#143 2023-09-23 22:06:28 +00:00
Centralize and improve checks when building samples
bvisness pushed to clang-checks at hmn/orca 2023-09-23 22:04:30 +00:00
924bfc99b2 Do clang checks on Mac
bvisness created branch clang-checks in hmn/orca 2023-09-23 21:49:34 +00:00
bvisness pushed to clang-checks at hmn/orca 2023-09-23 21:49:34 +00:00
4ab96d900e Revamp Clang checks for Windows; still need to do the same for Mac
bvisness commented on issue hmn/orca#124 2023-09-23 20:08:00 +00:00
Can we do Windows builds with clang?

I'm gonna close this since CI will just resolve all this.

bvisness closed issue hmn/orca#124 2023-09-23 20:08:00 +00:00
Can we do Windows builds with clang?
bvisness opened issue hmn/orca#142 2023-09-23 20:04:06 +00:00
Windows PATH updates can leave quotes in your PATH (and duplicates)
bvisness opened issue hmn/orca#139 2023-09-21 18:30:20 +00:00
Be more careful when exiting batch scripts
bvisness commented on issue hmn/orca#116 2023-09-21 12:16:37 +00:00
MacOS: build-runtime fails

Yes, I think that would be reasonably easy and would hopefully work well.

bvisness created pull request hmn/orca#138 2023-09-21 02:55:00 +00:00
Bypass dumb powershell execution policy problems
bvisness created branch powershell-policy in hmn/orca 2023-09-21 02:53:20 +00:00
bvisness pushed to powershell-policy at hmn/orca 2023-09-21 02:53:20 +00:00
a5fb9f0505 Bypass dumb powershell execution policy problems
bvisness created pull request hmn/orca#137 2023-09-21 02:11:26 +00:00
Detect MSVC version and architecture via preprocessor
bvisness created branch msvc-version in hmn/orca 2023-09-21 02:11:09 +00:00