# Dump for Glossary + Article Ideas ## Article Ideas: - Compilers - Computer Theory - Databases - Web Frontend - Datastructures and Algorithms - Filesystems - Time - Software Security - Realtime Networking - Cryptography - Compression - Memory Allocation - Parallel Programming - UI / UX Design - GPU programming - Machine Learning - Control Theory ## MetaHubs (places to start branching people from to get to the outlines) - Operating System - Web - Game Dev # Rough Categorization Beyond Here ## Compiler Terms: - SSA - Basic Blocks - Peephole Optimization - Parser-Generators - Regular Grammars - BNF - Context-Free Grammars - Automata - Regular Expressions - Interpreters - JIT ## Computer Theory Terms: - Conway's Game of Life - Turing Machines - Lambda Calculus - Finite State Machines - Monads - Complexity Theory ## Database Terms: - SQL - NoSQL - GraphQL - CAP theorem - B-Trees ## Web Frontend Terms: - REST - JSON - WASM - AJAX ## Datastructures and Algorithms Terms: (Should this be split across domains? Should this just be a central datastructures thing?) - A* - BFS - DFS - Greedy - Priority Queue - Stack - Radix Sorting - Quicksort - Timsort - Ring Buffers - Merkle Trees - Consensus algorithms ## Filesystems Terms: - Journalling - BTrees - Raw Flash vs Disk Sectors vs NVMe ## Time Terms: - NTP - Time Skewing / Slurring / Smearing ## Security Terms: - Trampolines - ROP chains - Buffer overflow - Hypervisor - Containers ## Realtime Networking / Network Simulation Terms: - VLAN - Rollback - Opus - ICE/STUN/TURN - NAT - P2P ## Cryptography and Error Correction Terms: - PKCS - RSA - SHA - ECC - CRC ## Compression Terms: - Burrows-Wheeler Transform - RLE Compression - Wavelet Transforms ## Memory Terms: - NUMA regions - Cache Locality - Buddy Allocator - Pool - Arenas - Stack - Heap - DMA - Page Tables (virtual memory) ## Parallelism Terms: - CAS - Mutex - Semaphore - RW Locks - Memory Barriers - CSP ## UI/UX Terms: - Dark Patterns # Needed Glossary Terms ## HTTP to PHY Terms: - HTTP - TCP - UDP - QUIC - DNS - IP - Ethernet - ARP - TLS - DHCP