This will be our article three. Ben will get to this when he has time, unless someone else wants to jump in and lead the content of this. - Timezones - They are not always on the hour - Difference time offset and timezone - (locale stuff, formatting, DST transition dates, etc.) - Daylight savings - Days can be 23 or 25 hours long - Countries change their DST rules all the time - Dates, times, datetimes - Maybe you don't actually want to store full timestamps for literally everything - Time math is tricky - Adding 24 hours != adding one day (leap days / seconds) - Calendars - Historical calendars are very weird (kings just removing or adding days when they felt like it) - The calendar we use, and its extensions: Gregorian calendar, proleptic Gregorian calendar - Other calendars: Jewish calendar, Chinese lunar calendar (?), Hijiri, Japanese calendar (?) - Primarily used for establishing holidays, but not really for common use any more (with the exception of China...?) - Computer clocks - CPU time vs. wall time - Monotonic clocks - Two kinds on Linux: one that smears forward, one that does not - Jiffies - Atomic clocks - NTP / chrony - Useful specs: - RFC3339: - iCal: - Recurrence rules (RRULE): - NOBODY USES ISO8601 STOP SAYING THAT THEY DO - NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS - RFC3339 IS THE ONLY ONE ANYONE SHOULD USE - Accuracy of onboard clocks - Quartz oscillators - subject to drift - How to correct inaccurate clocks - Time smearing - Presentation and formatting? - The UNIX epoch, and the year 2038 problem - ISO "week date" (does this matter to anyone) - Falsehoods I think are actually important - "Always store time in UTC" - "Always store fully-qualified timestamps" i.e. datetimes with timezone, not just dates - "The smallest unit of time is X" (i.e. store the start and end of your time ranges precisely, never store 11:59:59) You get a time you trust - then you work with it in some way (???) - - - - - - - - - - - Official timezone database: ## How to use dates and times ## Time accuracy / how to get accurate times ## Fun tangents East Asian countries treat birthdays differently: In particular, Koreans (and others??) all celebrate their birthday on January 1, and start counting at 1 instead of 0.