671 lines
18 KiB
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// @ts-check
import { PngNodeType } from "./constants.js";
import crel, { fragment } from "../common/crel.js";
import formatBytes from "../common/formatBytes.js";
import pluralize from "../common/pluralize.js";
import getOwn from "../common/getOwn.js";
import parsePngUint from "./parsePngUint.js";
/** @typedef {import("../../types/png.d.ts").PngNode} PngNode */
* @param {(string | Node)[]} children
const p = (...children) => crel("p", {}, ...children);
* @param {string} text
* @param {string} href
const a = (text, href) => crel("a", { href, target: "_blank" }, text);
* @param {number} byte
* @returns {string}
const formatByte = (byte) => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
* @param {Uint8Array} _bytes
* @returns {null | Uint8Array}
const maybeInflate = (_bytes) => {
// TODO: Inflate the bytes
return null;
* @typedef {object} NodeUi
* @prop {string} title
* @prop {HTMLElement | DocumentFragment} description
/** @type {Record<string, (node: PngNode) => NodeUi>} */
const NODE_UI_FNS = {
// Generic parts of a PNG
[PngNodeType.root]: () => ({
title: "PNG file",
description: fragment(),
[PngNodeType.signature]: () => ({
title: "PNG signature",
description: fragment(
"Every PNG starts with the same 8 bytes: the ",
a("PNG signature", ""),
p("PNG decoders use these bytes to ensure that they're reading a PNG image. Typically, they reject the file if it doesn't start with the signature. Data can get corrupted in various ways (ever had a file with the wrong extension?) and this helps address that."),
p('Fun fact: if you decode these bytes as ASCII, you\'ll see the letters "PNG" in there!'),
[PngNodeType.chunkLength]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Chunk length",
description: fragment(
"This chunk has ",
pluralize(parsePngUint(bytes), "byte"),
" of data, as you see in the chunk data section below. This gets encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Read more in the ",
'"Chunk layout" section of the spec',
[PngNodeType.chunkType]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Chunk type",
description: p(
"The chunk type, ",
new TextDecoder().decode(bytes),
", encoded as ASCII.",
[PngNodeType.chunkData]: () => ({
title: "Chunk data",
description: p("The chunk's data."),
[PngNodeType.chunkCrc]: () => ({
title: "Chunk checksum",
description: p(
"A four-byte checksum for this chunk. Checksums use the CRC32 algorithm on the type and data bytes in the chunk.",
[PngNodeType.unknownChunk]: (node) => {
const children = node.children || [];
const chunkTypeNode = children.find((child) =>
child.type === PngNodeType.chunkType
const chunkTypeBytes = chunkTypeNode?.bytes;
const chunkType = chunkTypeBytes
? new TextDecoder().decode(chunkTypeBytes)
: null;
return {
title: chunkType ? `${chunkType} chunk` : "Unknown chunk",
description: p(
"This looks like a valid chunk type, but this tool doesn't know about it.",
[PngNodeType.ihdr]: () => ({
title: "IHDR: Image header",
description: p(
"Every PNG is made up of multiple chunks. The first chunk is always the image header, or ",
a("IHDR", ""),
". It contains metadata about the image, such as dimensions and color information.",
[PngNodeType.ihdrChunkData]: () => ({
title: "Image header data",
description: fragment(),
[PngNodeType.ihdrWidth]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Image width",
description: p(
"This image has a width of ",
pluralize(parsePngUint(bytes), "pixel"),
". That gets encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer.",
[PngNodeType.ihdrHeight]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Image height",
description: p(
"This image has a height of ",
pluralize(parsePngUint(bytes), "pixel"),
". That gets encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integer.",
[PngNodeType.ihdrBitDepth]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Image bit depth",
description: p(
`The number of bits per sample in the image. This image uses ${
pluralize(bytes[0], "bit")
} per sample.`,
[PngNodeType.ihdrColourType]: ({ bytes }) => {
const colorType = bytes[0];
const colorTypeString = ({
0: "greyscale. That means each pixel is a greyscale.",
2: '"truecolor". That means each pixel has an RGB value.',
3: '"indexed-color". That means each pixel is looked up in the PLTE palette chunk.',
4: "greyscale with alpha. That means each pixel has a greyscale value followed by an alpha value.",
6: '"truecolor" with alpha. That means that each pixel has an RGBA value.',
let description;
if (colorTypeString) {
description =
`The color type of the image. This image is of color type ${colorType}, also known as ${colorTypeString}`;
} else {
description =
`The color type of the image...but this one, ${colorType}, is invalid.`;
return { title: "Image color type", description: p(description) };
[PngNodeType.ihdrCompressionMethod]: () => ({
title: "Image compression method",
description: p(
"The compression method for the pixel data. All PNGs set this to 0, but this is here just in case the world wants to support a new compression method in the future.",
[PngNodeType.ihdrFilterMethod]: () => ({
title: "Image filter method",
description: p(
"The filter method for the pixel data. All PNGs set this to 0, but this is here just in case the world wants to support a new compression method in the future.",
[PngNodeType.ihdrInterlaceMethod]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Image interlace method",
description: fragment(
a("Interlacing", ""),
" can allow a rough image to be shown while it's loading. The PNG spec defines two interlace methods: none (where pixels are extracted sequentially from left to right) and Adam7, where pixels are transmitted in a more complex order.",
"This image uses the ",
bytes[0] === 0 ? "former" : "latter",
[PngNodeType.plte]: () => ({
title: "PLTE: Palette",
description: fragment(
"This is a ",
a("palette chunk", ""),
". Is is typically used for indexed-color images where a palette is defined, and then each pixel is looked up in this palette. It can improve compression when you the image only has a small number of colors.",
p("In some cases (not detected by this tool), it can also be used for other purposes. See the spec for details."),
[PngNodeType.plteChunkData]: () => ({
title: "Palette chunk data",
description: p(
"Each pixel is represented by a red, green, and blue value of 1 byte each.",
[PngNodeType.plteColor]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Palette color",
description: p(
"A palette color. It looks like this: ",
[PngNodeType.idat]: () => ({
title: "IDAT: Image data",
description: p(
"The ",
a("image data chunk", ""),
" contains the compressed image data. The compressed image data can be spread across multiple IDAT chunks or all in one.",
[PngNodeType.idatChunkData]: ({ bytes }) => {
const inflatedBytes = maybeInflate(bytes);
return {
title: "Image data",
description: fragment(
p("The image data. This is compressed in the zlib format."),
? [
p("The uncompressed bytes look like this:"),
crel("pre", {}, formatBytes(inflatedBytes)),
: []),
[PngNodeType.iend]: () => ({
title: "IEND: Image end",
description: p(
"The ",
a("IEND chunk", ""),
" marks the end of a PNG and should always be the final chunk.",
[PngNodeType.iendChunkLength]: () => ({
title: "Chunk length",
description: p("IEND chunks always have a length of 0."),
// tRNS
[PngNodeType.trns]: () => ({
title: "tRNS: Transparency",
description: p(
"The ",
a("tRNS chunk", ""),
" encodes transparency information.",
// cHRM
[PngNodeType.chrm]: () => ({
title: "cHRM: Primary chromaticities and white point",
description: p(
"The ",
a("cHRM chunk", ""),
" encodes chromacities of colors and the white point.",
// gAMA
[PngNodeType.gama]: () => ({
title: "gAMA: Image gamma",
description: p(
"The ",
a("gAMA chunk", ""),
" specifies the ",
a("gamma value", ""),
" of the image.",
// iCCP
[PngNodeType.iccp]: () => ({
title: "iCCP: Color profile",
description: p(
"The ",
a("iCCP chunk", ""),
" encodes an embedded color profile from the International Color Consortium.",
// sBIT
[PngNodeType.sbit]: () => ({
title: "sBIT: Significant bits",
description: p(
"The ",
a("sBIT chunk", ""),
" .",
// sRGB
[PngNodeType.srgb]: () => ({
title: "sRGB: Standard RGB color space",
description: p(
"The ",
a("sRGB chunk", ""),
" specifies the rendering intent for the color space.",
// cICP
[PngNodeType.cicp]: () => ({
title: "cICP",
description: p(
"The ",
a("cICP chunk", ""),
' specifies "coding-independent code points for video signal type identification".',
// Text chunks
[PngNodeType.text]: () => ({
title: "tEXt: Text data",
description: p(
"You can encode text with the ",
a("tEXt chunk", ""),
". Each text chunk contains a keyword, a null separator, and 0 or more bytes of Latin-1 text.",
[PngNodeType.textData]: () => ({
title: "Text data",
description: fragment(),
[PngNodeType.textKeyword]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Keyword",
description: p(
new TextDecoder("latin1").decode(bytes),
", encoded with Latin-1.",
[PngNodeType.textNullSeparator]: () => ({
title: "Null separator",
description: p("A null separator (a single zero)."),
[PngNodeType.textString]: ({ bytes }) => ({
title: "Text",
description: p(
new TextDecoder("latin1").decode(bytes),
", encoded with Latin-1.",
[PngNodeType.ztxt]: () => ({
title: "zTXt: Compressed text data",
description: p(
"You can encode text with the ",
a("zTXt chunk", ""),
". Each of these chunks contains a keyword, a null separator, a compression method, and zlib-compressed Latin-1 text.",
[PngNodeType.ztxtData]: () => ({
title: "Compressed text data",
description: fragment(),
[PngNodeType.ztxtCompressionMethod]: () => ({
title: "Text compression method",
description: p(
"The compression method for the text. All PNGs set this to 0, but this is here in case we want to support a new compression method in the future.",
[PngNodeType.ztxtString]: ({ bytes }) => {
const inflatedBytes = maybeInflate(bytes);
let description;
if (inflatedBytes) {
const deflatedBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("TODO");
description = p(
new TextDecoder("latin1").decode(deflatedBytes),
", encoded with Latin-1 and then compressed.",
} else {
description = p(
"Text, encoded with Latin-1 and then compressed. I couldn't decompress it, though...",
return { title: "Text (compressed)", description };
[PngNodeType.itxt]: () => ({
title: "iTXt: International text data",
description: p(
"You can encode text with the ",
a("iTXt chunk", ""),
". Each of these chunks contains ",
// bKGD
[PngNodeType.bkgd]: () => ({
title: "bKGD: Default background",
description: p(
"The ",
a("bKGD chunk", ""),
" specifies the default background color.",
// hIST
[PngNodeType.hist]: () => ({
title: "hIST: Palette histogram",
description: p(
"The ",
a("hIST chunk", ""),
" gives the approximate usage frequency of each color in the palette, and only makes sense if there's a PLTE chunk.",
// pHYs
[PngNodeType.phys]: () => ({
title: "pHYs: Physical size",
description: p(
"The ",
a("pHYs chunk", ""),
" describes the intended physical size of the image.",
// sPLT
[PngNodeType.splt]: () => ({
title: "sPLT: Suggested palette",
description: p(
"The ",
a("sPLT chunk", ""),
", not to be confused with the PLTE palette chunk, suggests a reduced palette to be used when the display can't display all the colors in the image.",
// eXIf
[PngNodeType.exif]: () => ({
title: "eXIf: Exif data",
description: p(
"The ",
a("eXIf chunk", ""),
" encodes exif data, which can include lots of metadata.",
// tIME
[PngNodeType.time]: () => ({
title: "tIME: Last modified time",
description: p(
"The ",
a("tIME chunk", ""),
" encodes the last modified time.",
// acTL
[PngNodeType.actl]: () => ({
title: "acTL: Animation control",
description: p(
"The ",
a("acTL chunk", ""),
" provides some metadata about animated PNGs.",
// fcTL
[PngNodeType.fctl]: () => ({
title: "fcTL: Animation frame control",
description: p(
"The ",
a("fcTL chunk", ""),
" defines metadata (such as the duration) of an APNG's frame.",
// fdAT
[PngNodeType.fdat]: () => ({
title: "fdAT: Animation frame data",
description: p(
"The ",
a("fdAT chunk", ""),
" describes the frame of an animated PNG. It is like the IDAT chunk but for APNGs.",
// oFFs
[PngNodeType.offs]: () => ({
title: "oFFs: Image offset",
description: p(
"The ",
"oFFs chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk used in printing.",
// pCAL
[PngNodeType.pcal]: () => ({
title: "pCAL: Pixel value calibration",
description: p(
"The ",
"pCAL chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk, useful in unusual cases when the pixels store physical data other than color values, like temperatures.",
// sCAL
[PngNodeType.scal]: () => ({
title: "sCAL: Physical scale",
description: p(
"The ",
"sCAL chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk that describes the intended physical size of the image.",
// gIFg
[PngNodeType.gifg]: () => ({
title: "gIFg: GIF graphic control extension",
description: p(
"The ",
"gIFg chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk that extends PNGs to be animated.",
// gIFx
[PngNodeType.gifx]: () => ({
title: "gIFx: GIF application extension",
description: p(
"The ",
"gIFx chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk that extends PNGs to be animated.",
// gIFt
[]: () => ({
title: "gIFt: GIF plain text",
description: p(
"The ",
"gIFt chunk",
" is a nonstandard, deprecated chunk for GIF text.",
// sTER
[PngNodeType.ster]: () => ({
title: "sTER: Stereo images",
description: p(
"The ",
"sTER chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk for stereogram images.",
// dSIG
[PngNodeType.dsig]: () => ({
title: "dSIG: Digital signature",
description: p(
"The ",
"dSIG chunk",
" is a nonstandard chunk for digital signatures.",
// iDOT
[PngNodeType.idot]: () => ({
title: "iDOT: Apple's unusual chunk",
description: p(
"The iDOT chunk is a nonstandard chunk. It is most commonly generated by Apple platforms. Its undocumented workings have been ",
"reverse engineered",
* @param {PngNode} node
* @returns {NodeUi}
export default (node) => {
const uiFn = getOwn(NODE_UI_FNS, node.type);
if (!uiFn) throw new Error("Found a node with no matching UI function");
return uiFn(node);