// @ts-check import { PngNodeType } from "./constants.js"; import { areBytesEqual, chunkBytes } from "../common/bytes.js"; import crc32 from "./crc32.js"; /** @typedef {import("../../types/png.d.ts").Node} PngNode */ const PNG_SIGNATURE = new Uint8Array([137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]); const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); /** * @param {Uint8Array} bytes * @returns {null | PngNode} The root node of the PNG tree, or null if the PNG is invalid. */ export default (bytes) => { if (!isSignatureValid(bytes)) { console.warn("Invalid PNG signature"); return null; } /** @type {PngNode[]} */ const children = [{ type: PngNodeType.signature, bytes: PNG_SIGNATURE }]; const view = new DataView(bytes.buffer, bytes.byteOffset, bytes.byteLength); for (let i = PNG_SIGNATURE.length; i < bytes.length;) { const lengthBytes = bytes.subarray(i, i + 4); if (lengthBytes.byteLength !== 4) { console.warn("Invalid data. Did the file end too early?"); return null; } const length = view.getUint32(i); i += 4; const typeBytes = bytes.subarray(i, i + 4); const type = parseType(typeBytes); if (!type) { console.warn("Invalid chunk type)"); return null; } i += 4; const data = bytes.subarray(i, i + length); if (data.length !== length) { console.warn("Invalid data. Did the file end too early?"); return null; } i += length; const actualCrcBytes = bytes.subarray(i, i + 4); if (actualCrcBytes.length !== 4) { console.warn("Not enough bytes for the CRC. Did the file end too early?"); return null; } const actualCrc = view.getUint32(i); const expectedCrc = crc32(typeBytes, data); if (actualCrc !== expectedCrc) { console.warn("Invalid chunk CRC"); return null; } i += 4; const allBytes = bytes.subarray(i - length - 12, i); children.push( formatChunk(allBytes, lengthBytes, typeBytes, data, actualCrcBytes), ); } return { type: PngNodeType.root, bytes, children }; }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} bytes * @returns {boolean} */ const isSignatureValid = (bytes) => areBytesEqual(bytes.subarray(0, 8), PNG_SIGNATURE); /** * @param {Uint8Array} bytes * @returns {null | string} The chunk type, or null if the chunk type is invalid. */ const parseType = (bytes) => { if (bytes.length !== 4) return null; const result = textDecoder.decode(bytes); if (!/^[A-Za-z]{4}$/.test(result)) return null; return result; }; /** * @param {Uint8Array} allBytes All the bytes in the chunk. * @param {Uint8Array} lengthBytes * @param {Uint8Array} typeBytes * @param {Uint8Array} data * @param {Uint8Array} crcBytes * @returns {PngNode} */ const formatChunk = (allBytes, lengthBytes, typeBytes, data, crcBytes) => { /** @type {PngNodeType} */ let type = PngNodeType.unknownChunk; /** @type {PngNode} */ let chunkLengthNode = { type: PngNodeType.chunkLength, bytes: lengthBytes }; /** @type {PngNode} */ const chunkTypeNode = { type: PngNodeType.chunkType, bytes: typeBytes }; /** @type {PngNode} */ let chunkDataNode = { type: PngNodeType.chunkData, bytes: data }; /** @type {PngNode} */ const chunkCrcNode = { type: PngNodeType.chunkCrc, bytes: crcBytes }; switch (textDecoder.decode(typeBytes)) { case "IHDR": type = PngNodeType.ihdr; chunkDataNode = { ...chunkDataNode, type: PngNodeType.ihdrChunkData, children: [ { type: PngNodeType.ihdrWidth, bytes: data.subarray(0, 4) }, { type: PngNodeType.ihdrHeight, bytes: data.subarray(4, 8) }, { type: PngNodeType.ihdrBitDepth, bytes: data.subarray(8, 9) }, { type: PngNodeType.ihdrColourType, bytes: data.subarray(9, 10) }, { type: PngNodeType.ihdrCompressionMethod, bytes: data.subarray(10, 11), }, { type: PngNodeType.ihdrFilterMethod, bytes: data.subarray(11, 12) }, { type: PngNodeType.ihdrInterlaceMethod, bytes: data.subarray(12, 13), }, ], }; break; case "PLTE": type = PngNodeType.plte; chunkDataNode = { ...chunkDataNode, type: PngNodeType.plteChunkData, children: chunkBytes(data, 3).map((bytes) => ({ type: PngNodeType.plteColor, bytes, })), }; break; case "IDAT": type = PngNodeType.idat; chunkDataNode = { ...chunkDataNode, type: PngNodeType.idatChunkData }; break; case "IEND": type = PngNodeType.iend; chunkLengthNode = { ...chunkLengthNode, type: PngNodeType.iendChunkLength, }; break; case "tRNS": type = PngNodeType.trns; break; case "cHRM": type = PngNodeType.chrm; break; case "gAMA": type = PngNodeType.gama; break; case "iCCP": type = PngNodeType.iccp; break; case "sBIT": type = PngNodeType.sbit; break; case "sRGB": type = PngNodeType.srgb; break; case "cICP": type = PngNodeType.cicp; break; case "tEXt": { type = PngNodeType.text; const nullSeparatorIndex = data.indexOf(0); if (nullSeparatorIndex === -1) break; chunkDataNode = { ...chunkDataNode, type: PngNodeType.textData, children: [ { type: PngNodeType.textKeyword, bytes: data.subarray(0, nullSeparatorIndex), }, { type: PngNodeType.textNullSeparator, bytes: data.subarray(nullSeparatorIndex, nullSeparatorIndex + 1), }, { type: PngNodeType.textString, bytes: data.subarray(nullSeparatorIndex + 1), }, ], }; break; } case "zTXt": { type = PngNodeType.ztxt; const nullSeparatorIndex = data.indexOf(0); if (nullSeparatorIndex === -1) break; chunkDataNode = { ...chunkDataNode, type: PngNodeType.ztxtData, children: [ { type: PngNodeType.textKeyword, bytes: data.subarray(0, nullSeparatorIndex), }, { type: PngNodeType.textNullSeparator, bytes: data.subarray(nullSeparatorIndex, nullSeparatorIndex + 1), }, { type: PngNodeType.ztxtCompressionMethod, bytes: data.subarray( nullSeparatorIndex + 1, nullSeparatorIndex + 2, ), }, { type: PngNodeType.ztxtString, bytes: data.subarray(nullSeparatorIndex + 2), }, ], }; break; } case "iTXt": type = PngNodeType.itxt; break; case "bKGD": type = PngNodeType.bkgd; break; case "hIST": type = PngNodeType.hist; break; case "pHYs": type = PngNodeType.phys; break; case "sPLT": type = PngNodeType.splt; break; case "eXIf": type = PngNodeType.exif; break; case "tIME": type = PngNodeType.time; break; case "acTL": type = PngNodeType.actl; break; case "fcTL": type = PngNodeType.fctl; break; case "fdAT": type = PngNodeType.fdat; break; case "oFFs": type = PngNodeType.offs; break; case "pCAL": type = PngNodeType.pcal; break; case "sCAL": type = PngNodeType.scal; break; case "gIFg": type = PngNodeType.gifg; break; case "gIFx": type = PngNodeType.gifx; break; case "gIFt": type = PngNodeType.gift; break; case "sTER": type = PngNodeType.ster; break; case "dSIG": type = PngNodeType.dsig; break; case "iDOT": type = PngNodeType.idot; break; default: console.warn(`Unknown chunk type ${type}`); break; } /** @type {PngNode[]} */ const children = []; children.push(chunkLengthNode); children.push(chunkTypeNode); if (data.byteLength) children.push(chunkDataNode); children.push(chunkCrcNode); return { type, bytes: allBytes, children }; };