
39 lines
1.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-07-23 03:09:46 +00:00
{{ template "base.html" . }}
{{ define "extrahead" }}
<link type="application/rss+xml" rel="alternate" title="{{ .Podcast.Title }}" href="{{ .Podcast.RSSUrl }}"/>
{{ end }}
{{ define "content" }}
<div class="content-block">
<div class="ph2 ph0-ns">
<h2>{{ .Podcast.Title }}</h2>
{{ template "podcast_actions.html" .Podcast }}
{{ with .EditUrl }}
<a class="pl2" href="{{ . }}">&#9998; Edit Podcast</a>
{{ end }}
{{ with .NewEpisodeUrl }}
<a class="pl2" href="{{ . }}">+ New Episode</a>
{{ end }}
<p class="pt2 pb3">{{ .Podcast.Description }}</p>
{{ range .Episodes }}
<li class="flex ml0 pl0 mw7 pb3">
<div class="dn db-ns w4 h4 flex-shrink-0">
<img class="br3" src="{{ .ImageUrl }}">
<div class="ph3-ns w-100 overflow-hidden">
<a href="{{ .Url }}"><h3 class="f4">Episode {{ .EpisodeNumber }}: {{ .Title }}</h3></a>
<div class="p-spaced">{{ .DescriptionHtml }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}