Get inline stuff kinda working

I think I'll have to sort out delimiters or something...gross
This commit is contained in:
Ben Visness 2022-09-03 20:35:21 -05:00
parent 7268b6011a
commit 9e353c715f
3 changed files with 115 additions and 19 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -104,15 +104,19 @@ func extract(re *regexp.Regexp, src []byte, subexpName string) []byte {
return m[re.SubexpIndex(subexpName)]
func extractMap(re *regexp.Regexp, src []byte, subexpNames ...string) map[string][]byte {
func extractMap(re *regexp.Regexp, src []byte) map[string][]byte {
m := re.FindSubmatch(src)
if m == nil {
return nil
res := make(map[string][]byte)
for _, name := range subexpNames {
res[name] = m[re.SubexpIndex(name)]
for _, name := range re.SubexpNames() {
if name != "" {
i := re.SubexpIndex(name)
res[name] = m[i]
res["all"] = m[0]
return res
@ -124,15 +128,22 @@ func extractAll(re *regexp.Regexp, src []byte, subexpName string) [][]byte {
return m[re.SubexpIndex(subexpName)]
func extractAllMap(re *regexp.Regexp, src []byte, subexpNames ...string) map[string][][]byte {
func extractAllMap(re *regexp.Regexp, src []byte) map[string][][]byte {
m := re.FindAllSubmatch(src, -1)
if m == nil {
return nil
res := make(map[string][][]byte)
for _, name := range subexpNames {
res[name] = m[re.SubexpIndex(name)]
for i, name := range re.SubexpNames() {
if name != "" {
var vals [][]byte
for _, specificMatch := range m {
vals = append(vals, specificMatch[i])
res[name] = vals
res["all"] = m[0]
return res

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ package parsing
import (
gast ""
@ -38,6 +40,19 @@ import (
type ggcodeRenderer = func(w util.BufWriter, n *ggcodeNode, entering bool) error
var ggcodeTags = map[string]ggcodeRenderer{
"glossary": func(w util.BufWriter, n *ggcodeNode, entering bool) error {
if entering {
term, _ := n.Args["term"]
`<a href="%s" class="glossary-term" data-term="%s">`,
} else {
return nil
"resource": func(w util.BufWriter, n *ggcodeNode, entering bool) error {
if entering {
w.WriteString("a node :o")
@ -53,25 +68,28 @@ var ggcodeTags = map[string]ggcodeRenderer{
// ----------------------
var reGGCodeBlockOpen = regexp.MustCompile(`^!!!(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(\{(?P<args>.*?)\})?$`)
var reGGCodeBlockArgs = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<arg>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)="(?P<val>.*?)"`)
var reGGCodeInline = regexp.MustCompile(`^!!(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(\{(?P<args>.*?)\})?(\((?P<content>.*?)\))?`)
var reGGCodeArgs = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<arg>[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)="(?P<val>.*?)"`)
type ggcodeParserBlock struct {
// Block parser stuff
type ggcodeBlockParser struct {
Preview bool
var _ parser.BlockParser = ggcodeParserBlock{}
var _ parser.BlockParser = ggcodeBlockParser{}
func (s ggcodeParserBlock) Trigger() []byte {
return []byte("!!!")
func (s ggcodeBlockParser) Trigger() []byte {
return []byte("!")
func (s ggcodeParserBlock) Open(parent ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.Context) (ast.Node, parser.State) {
func (s ggcodeBlockParser) Open(parent ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.Context) (ast.Node, parser.State) {
restOfLine, _ := reader.PeekLine()
if match := extractMap(reGGCodeBlockOpen, bytes.TrimSpace(restOfLine), "name", "args"); match != nil {
if match := extractMap(reGGCodeBlockOpen, bytes.TrimSpace(restOfLine)); match != nil {
name := string(match["name"])
var args map[string]string
if argsMatch := extractAllMap(reGGCodeBlockArgs, match["args"]); argsMatch != nil {
if argsMatch := extractAllMap(reGGCodeArgs, match["args"]); argsMatch != nil {
args = make(map[string]string)
for i := range argsMatch["arg"] {
arg := string(argsMatch["arg"][i])
@ -90,7 +108,7 @@ func (s ggcodeParserBlock) Open(parent ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.C
func (s ggcodeParserBlock) Continue(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.Context) parser.State {
func (s ggcodeBlockParser) Continue(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.Context) parser.State {
line, _ := reader.PeekLine()
if string(bytes.TrimSpace(line)) == "!!!" {
@ -99,16 +117,80 @@ func (s ggcodeParserBlock) Continue(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser
return parser.Continue | parser.HasChildren
func (s ggcodeParserBlock) Close(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.Context) {}
func (s ggcodeBlockParser) Close(node ast.Node, reader text.Reader, pc parser.Context) {}
func (s ggcodeParserBlock) CanInterruptParagraph() bool {
func (s ggcodeBlockParser) CanInterruptParagraph() bool {
return false
func (s ggcodeParserBlock) CanAcceptIndentedLine() bool {
func (s ggcodeBlockParser) CanAcceptIndentedLine() bool {
return false
// Inline parser stuff
type ggcodeInlineParser struct {
Preview bool
var _ parser.InlineParser = ggcodeInlineParser{}
func (s ggcodeInlineParser) Trigger() []byte {
return []byte("!()")
func (s ggcodeInlineParser) Parse(parent gast.Node, block text.Reader, pc parser.Context) gast.Node {
restOfLine, segment := block.PeekLine() // Gets the rest of the line (starting at the current parser cursor index), and the segment representing the indices in the source text.
if match := extractMap(reGGCodeInline, restOfLine); match != nil {
name := string(match["name"])
var args map[string]string
if argsMatch := extractAllMap(reGGCodeArgs, match["args"]); argsMatch != nil {
args = make(map[string]string)
for i := range argsMatch["arg"] {
arg := string(argsMatch["arg"][i])
val := string(argsMatch["val"][i])
args[arg] = val
node := &ggcodeNode{
Name: name,
Args: args,
contentLength := len(match["content"])
if contentLength > 0 {
contentSegmentStart := segment.Start + len(match["all"]) - (contentLength + 1) // the 1 is for the end parenthesis
contentSegmentEnd := contentSegmentStart + contentLength
contentSegment := text.NewSegment(contentSegmentStart, contentSegmentEnd)
node.AppendChild(node, ast.NewTextSegment(contentSegment))
return node
} else {
return nil
type ggcodeDelimiterParser struct {
Node *ggcodeNode // We need to pass this through 🙄
func (p ggcodeDelimiterParser) IsDelimiter(b byte) bool {
fmt.Println("delmit", string(b))
return b == '(' || b == ')'
func (p ggcodeDelimiterParser) CanOpenCloser(opener, closer *parser.Delimiter) bool {
return opener.Char == '(' && closer.Char == ')'
func (p ggcodeDelimiterParser) OnMatch(consumes int) gast.Node {
return p.Node
// ----------------------
// AST node
// ----------------------
@ -180,7 +262,10 @@ type ggcodeExtension struct {
func (e ggcodeExtension) Extend(m goldmark.Markdown) {
util.Prioritized(ggcodeParserBlock{Preview: e.Preview}, 500),
util.Prioritized(ggcodeBlockParser{Preview: e.Preview}, 500),
util.Prioritized(ggcodeInlineParser{Preview: e.Preview}, 500),
util.Prioritized(newGGCodeHTMLRenderer(), 500),