the goal: port the old discord showcase bot what it does: save #project-showcase posts to your HMN user profile if you have your account linked stuff we need to worry about: - old posts from before you linked your account - posts that come in while the bot is down - what to do with posts if you unlink your account - what to do with posts if you re-link your account ✔ - what to do if you edit the original discord message - what to do if you delete the original discord message ✔ - the user's preferences re: saving content - we don't want to save content without the user's consent, especially since it may persist after they disable the integration - manually adding content for various reasons - maybe a bug prevented something from saving - ryan used to post everything in #projects for some reason ✔ real-time stuff: ✔ - on new showcase message - always save the lightweight record - if we have permission, create a snippet ✔ - on edit - re-save the lightweight record and content as if it was new - create snippet, unconditionally???? (bug??) - update snippet contents if the edit makes sense ✔ - on delete - delete snippet if the user so desires - delete the message records ✔ - on bulk delete - same stuff background stuff: - watch mode - every five seconds - fetch all HMN users with Discord accounts - check if we have message records without content - if so, run a full scrape (no snippets) - every hour - run a full scrape, creating snippets - scrape behavior - look at every message ever in the channel - do exactly what the real-time bot does on new messages (although maybe don't do snippets depending on context) what the heck do we do with discord's markdown - when we save message contents, we should save both the raw discord markdown and a version with their custom stuff replaced. We do _not_ (yet) need a full markdown parse with HTML tags and stuff. (That arguably doesn't make sense for the handmade_discordmessagecontent record anyway.) - when we create a snippet, we should store both markdown that makes sense to a user and the rendered version of that HTML. THIS MEANS: The markdown we save is the "clean" version of the Discord markdown.